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Antonio David Gellida Lavara edited this page Jan 14, 2018 · 2 revisions
  1. Recommended to install Chocolatey. It will install dependencies for winsys and you can install extra packages.

If you have Windows greater than 7 you will already have the dependencies installed. If it follows you continue to give errors the scripts run as admin 023.EnableScripts.reg from windowscripts.

If you have Windows 7 lower than 8 you will have to install WMF 4.0 and possibly Windows Framework 4.0.

  1. Install or run the apps you want.

  2. Execute all tweaks you want, you can select manually, load a preconfigured selection (on future you can select yours), or restore to default system configuration.

  3. Enable-disable services you want, load a preconfigured selection, restore to default services status you see, restore to default all services status existent on system (Not tested).

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