PowerShell wrapper for Cloudsmith API
Run ./build.ps1 -Build
from the repository root
A fresh copy of the module will be placed in Output\Cloudsmith
Run Import-Module ./Output/PSCloudSmith/PSCloudsmith.psd1 -Force
Verify with Get-Command -Module PSCloudSmith
Make sure you run Connect-CloudsmithInstance
before attempting any other commands!
Install PlatyPS PowerShell module:
Install-Module PlatyPS -Force
Install mkdocs:
choco install mkdocs -y
orbrew install mkdocs
on MacOS -
Generate markdown docs:
Easy Way:
Import-Module ./Output/PSCloudsmith/PSCloudsmith.psd1 -Force ; New-MarkdownHelp -Module PSCloudsmith -OutputFolder ./docs/
More structured way:
Import-Module ./Output/PSCloudsmith/PSCloudsmith.psd1 -Force Get-Command -Module PSCloudsmith | Where-Object Name -match 'Repository' | Foreach-Object { New-MarkdownHelp -Command $_.Name -OutputFolder ./docs/Repository/ }
Rinse and repeat for each type of function
- Build site locally:
mkdocs serve
- Publish docs to GitHub Pages: mkdocs gh-deploy