- Beijing,Chaoyang
Starred repositories
Option, Result, and Either types for TypeScript - Inspired by Rust 🦀
Documentation on how to use the Rust Programming Language to develop firmware for bare metal (microcontroller) devices
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript/JavaScript 🚀
Custom extension script for whistle
Anki's shared backend and web components, and the Qt frontend
A modernized version if syntax-highlighting based on an original fork of sh.
Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
Blazing 💥 fast terminal-ui for git written in rust 🦀
A framework for building native applications using React
TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
An ecosystem of tools to build robust applications in TypeScript
⚓ A collection of JavaScript tools written in Rust.
Peripheral access API for STM32H7 series microcontrollers
CodeGeeX2: A More Powerful Multilingual Code Generation Model
Embedded Rust device crates for STM32 microcontrollers
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
improved ramda REPL with typescript transpilation, purify-ts and ramda-adjunct. Based on the great Monaco editor.
🛠 [Beta] 面向研发的低代码元编程,代码可视编辑,辅助编码工具 The coding tools which is visual code editing, auxiliary and Low-code metaprogramming for R&D
The roadmap of generative AI: use cases and applications | 生成式AI的应用路线图
Jupyter Notebooks for Geektime AI Course
《面向开发者的 ChatGPT 提示词工程》非官方版中英双语字幕 Unofficial subtitles of "ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers"
面向开发者的 LLM 入门教程,吴恩达大模型系列课程中文版
High-performance In-browser LLM Inference Engine