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About the project

It’s no secret that “Data is the new oil”. We all visit hundreds of websites daily and we share and create huge amounts of data every single day on those websites. Many of those websites aren’t secure in terms of user privacy and data protection. Several organizations use insecure connections to transfer data over their intranet, which is a major vulnerability.

Our aim is to secure the transfer of data over insecure channels.

Project Structure

Our project has the following structure:

  • docs
  • node_modules
  • src
    • config
    • controllers
    • graphql
    • middleware
    • models
    • routes
    • utils

1. Docs

This contains all the markdown files for the documentation of the project, which is visualized on Docsify.

2. Node Modules

Contains project dependencies.

3. Config

This contains all the configuration files; like database connectivity, winston setup, etc.

4. Controllers

This contains all the REST API end-points.

5. GraphQL

This contains schema files, queries and mutations for GraphQL API.

6. Middleware

This contains all the middleware functions of the request-response pipeline.

7. Models

This contains all the mongoDB schema.

8. Routes

This contains all the routes for REST API.

9. Utils

This contains all the helper functions associated with other endpoints.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Following are the softwares requried to get arena up and running.


  • Install the packages mentioned in package.json file for getting all dependencies of the project.

    npm install --save
  • Getting the configuration ready

    cp .env.example .env
  • Starting the application

    npm run dev
  • Setting the pre-push hook


Linting the Code

  • For linting the code
npm run lint -s
  • For fixing the linting mistakes in code
npm run fix -s

Nodejs Packages

Express - Node.js Web Framework
Nodemailer - Sending Emails
Raven - Sentry Error Monitoring


Issues are managed via GitHub Issues here.



This project is licensed under the Apache License. See the file for details.


No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3
