###Demo URL http://flickhunter.herokuapp.com
###Introduction This search program allows user to perform various queries on the available movie data collection.
Vector Space Model Constructon a. The data file is read and tokenized. b. Punctuations, delimiters and stopwords have been removed. c. The generated dictionary of words contains stemmed words. d. Each term has a posting list associated with it containing all the documents that contain the term and their tfidf values.
Search Functionality: It has search option that asks user for query string to perform search on fields like title, plot and cast.
Generated Output: a. The search result is obtained by using vector space model. b. All the potential outcomes are ranked and displayed accordingly using tf-idf calculations.
Java 1.7
Glassfish 4
Requires JRE to be installed previously on the machine. Should have JRE 1.7 or greater to get best results.
Requires Maven to generate a WAR file for Deployment.
Requires a Java application server such as Glassfish or Apache Tomcat. Glassfish 4 is recommended.
1. Install Maven on machine.(https://maven.apache.org/install.html)
2. Open terminal or command prompt and go to the project source directory.
3. Run the command : "mvn clean install", this will generate a WAR file of the project under "target" folder and also download the dependencies of the project.
4. Install an application server(Glassfish is used for testing this project)(https://glassfish.java.net/docs/4.0/installation-guide.pdf)
5. On Glassfish server, create a domain if not already created (if installed with default configurations, skip this step as a default domain "domain1" is created while installing).
6. Deploy the application WAR on server under Applications sub menu. (Glassfish Admin Console can be found at "http://localhost:4848" to do complete this step)
7. Change the context Path of the application to "/FlickHunter" while deploying the application. The Deployment process will take a few minutes, please be patient.
8. Once deployed correctly, the application can be accessed at :"http://localhost:8080/FlickHunter/index.html" (Default port for Glassfish deployments is 8080)
9. Use the text box to search for the movies and look at the ranked results.
- Aditya Padhye
- Chevelyne Melvin De'Mello
- Pooja Sharma