Video Series:
- Website:
- YouTube:
- How to setup and configure AWS Amplify in a new Nuxt project, Jagr / YouTube
- How to add authentication using AWS Amplify's Auth Class in a Nuxt app (Auth Part 1), Jagr / YouTube
- Adding register and login flows using AWS Amplify in a Nuxt app (Auth Part 2), Jagr / YouTube
- How to add an anotated GraphQL API with public and private auth guards, Jagr / YouTube
- How to deploy our application via Amplify CLI on S3, Jagr / YouTube
- How to deploy our application for production, Jagr / YouTube
- How to use a custom domain in AWS Amplify, Jagr / YouTube
If you should happen to clone down this repository you'll need to configure the project with your project's Amplify details. To do so, run the below command in your terminal and walk through the configuration steps/questions.
This will pull down the amplify directory in addition to generating your aws-exports.js
$ amplify pull
- WebSite:
- YouTube:
- Twitter: