The goal is to give you the motivation to execute your tasks, every morning. By sending a notification to your mobile phone, with a reminder of all the tasks you want to do today, and a motivational image.
After you login to Evernote Sandbox, it displays a web page listing your Evernote notebooks, and the first image attached to the first note of your first notebook.
This article says that procrastination prevents us from succeeding in our projects, and that one way to beat it is to write down a list of simple tasks, and commit to it. So we are building an app that helps you do that.
- Forked from an app made with Osman Abdelnasir (@esaminu) during the Meteor Hackathon, in October 2015.
- Moved Wunderlist-related API code to wunderlist-report, and the former Meteor app was removed.
- Added an azk-based web server that successfully connects to Evernote sandbox, to fetch notes. (based on evernote-api-test).
- Install dependencies:
$ npm install
- Create the
file to set your environment variables:
$ cp .env.sample .env
- Update the value of
, after requesting a Full Access API Key from Evernote Developer Documentation.
- Change the environment variables in
You can start the express server with npm start
. Once the server starts, you can access http://localhost:3000
and see the application. It will list the notebooks in your sandbox account after you authenticate. Edit express/routes/index.js to try other parts of the Evernote API.
- Install azk.
- You need a sandbox account on Azk. You can create one here.
- Fill your Azk API Consumer Key and Consumer Secret in
. - Change the environment variables in
Go to your terminal and run:
$ azk start
And open:
- After you associated your cloned repo with a heroku app, push the last commit to it:
git push heroku master
- Don't forget to setup your the environment variables in your heroku app's dashboard! (except