a easy to use drawing board lib 🎨
Using npm:
npm install easy-drawing-board
Using yarn:
yarn add easy-drawing-board
Using script tag
<script src="your_path/dist/easy-drawing-board.js"></script>
git clone this repository then open example/index.html
in your browser
<script type="text/javascript" src="//{you path to the dist file}/dist/easy-drawing-board.js"></script>
<style>.container { width: 500px; height: 500px; }</style>
<div class="container"></div>
// See below for document.
const options = {
container: document.getElementsByClassName('container')[0]
// canvas's width/height equals container's width/height
const draw = new EasyDrawingBoard(options);
Options | Type | Default value | Description |
container | HtmlDom (required) | / | Container for canvas |
bgImg | String | Empty string | Canvas background Image's url, if you needed. |
canvasBgColor | String | #fff | Canvas background Color |
lineColor | String | #f00 | Color of brush |
lineWidth | String / Number | 1 | Width of brush |
arrowSize | String / Number | 15 | Size of arrows |
eraserSize | String / Number | 10 | Size of eraser |
textFontSize | String / Number | 16 | Font size of the textArea |
textLineHeight | String / Number | 20 | Font lineheight of the textArea |
textColor | String | #f00 | Font color of the textArea |
textareaPlaceholder | String | Type here... | Textarea's placeholder |
Method | Arguments | Description |
config( type,val ) | tpye's enum(lineColor, lineWidth, arrowSize, eraserSize, canvasBgColor, textFontSize, textLineHeight, textColor, bgImg, textareaPlaceholder) | Modifying the default configuration |
setMode( mode ) | mode's enum(pencil, straightLine, rect, circle, arrow, eraser) | Set current mode |
saveImg( [options] ) | default value { tpye: 'png', fileName: 'canvas_imgae' } | Save the canvas as an image, and download. |
generateBase64([type]) | default value "png" | Generate Base64 data |
undo() | / | undo operation |
redo() | / | redo operation |
clear() | / | Clear canvas |
// init
import EasyDrawingBoard from 'easy-drawing-board'
const container = document.getElementsByClassName('container')[0]
const draw = new EasyDrawingBoard({container: container})
// methods
draw.conifg('lineColor', '#FF1493') // Change the color of the brush.
draw.setMode('rect') // Now you can draw the rectangle.
draw.generateBase64().then(data => console.log(data)) // generateBase64 method default is to export the PNG base64 data.
draw.generateBase64('jpeg').then(data => console.log(data)) // get smaller data.
draw.saveImg() // Save the canvas as an PNG images, and the file name is canvas_imgae.png.
draw.saveImg({fileName: '233.png'}) // Just Change of file name.
draw.saveImg({tpye: 'jpeg', fileName: 'small.jpeg'}) // Sometimes we just need smaller pictures.
- eraser
- undo
- typescript refactoring