Themes for Adventure Game Studio.
Compatible themes, (3.4.2 and above)[M]
Modern themes ( and above)
- Copy the .json files in
- Pick a theme from "File > Preferences... -> Color Theme" and restart AGS
There are currently two formats for themes. Read about the theme format specification to know more about all the themeable elements and their properties.
For the older format (AGS 3.4.1 alpha and above) you can use Rulaman's AGS-ThemeEditor
For the new format (AGS and above) you can use a more concise color notation with HTML colors, and thus any text editor should do, even online ones like jsoneditoronline that can provide a more convenient way to display/colorpick values.
You can start from an existing theme, or the "Template Compat/Modern" which contain all the available properties.