Demos for Ansible Use
Demos for SE Management SSP for use with customers to showcase different aspects of Ansible
Current role in requirements.yml is for patching Linux only
Contains formatting for web install
adds a custom MOTD to the server
Elasticsearch configuration file for use with ELKBuild.yml
Complex Index file for Web Install and Verification that supplies inventory_hostname into webpage
Logstash configuration file for use with ELKBuild.yml
terraform for use with terraform create.yml Allows you to specify name of VM at runtime
Add user to sudo and ensure includedir is in sudoers file
Database Install.yml
Install latest version of mysql
Build full ELK stack including Kibana. Kibana web address will be viewable at the IP address:5601
Send email to variable {{ to_email }}. E-mail host information stored in Ansible Tower credentials. Depends on set_facts for {{ email_ip_address }} in order to e-mail weblink for created web site
Copies SSH key, Installs Katello RPM, Registers to Satellite, enables repos, installs preferred software, adds motd
Using Linux patching role to patch all hosts
Prints the inventory hostname and operating system
Allows you to install or uninstall any package. Variable {{ package }} and {{ state }} must be filled in
Create a VM on RHV. All ovirt_auth information stored as a credential in Ansible Tower, {{ vm_name }} and {{ vm_state }} must be supplied by user
Remove a VM on RHV. All ovirt_auth information stored as a credential in Ansible Tower, {{ vm_name }} must be supplied by user
ServiceNowticket Updating.yml
Update an incident ticket in servicenow. User must supply {{ ticket_number }} and {{ state }}. {{ state }} is based on state information contained in service now and should be a number
Create an incident ticket in servicenow. User must supply {{ incident_description }}, {{ sn_urgency }}, and {{ sn_impact }}. Ansible facts need to be gathered to pull operating system and ip_address information for ticket addition (need custom fields in ServiceNow)
terraform create.yml
Create or remove a VM on RHV using Terraform. {{ vm_name }} must be supplied by the user. This will update the main.yml file to have a name supplied at time of fun. Terraform scripts are located on Tower server at ~/terraform. Defaults are in ~/terraform/modules/vms with the runtime and authentication scripts at ~/terraform/ovirt
retests if the VM agent has been installed every 10 seconds for a total of 600 seconds before failure. Requires {{ vm_name }}
Web Install and Verification.yml
Opens firewall ports for apache and SSL, installs apache, inserts HTML5 formatting from website folder in git, inserts index page, verifies name "Alex Dworjan" exists in the content of the page, prints the web address to the screen, sets a stat for email_ip_address for use in email playbook