Frontend developer with ability for JavaScript projects and business development insights gained over eight years of entrepreneurship. I have experience in e-commerce, marketing, and SEO, enabling me to craft appealing, intuitive pages optimized for search engines, while also considering the business aspect to deliver value to clients.
Experienced with:
- React
- Next
- JavaScript
- Tailwind + Bootstrap
- Git/Github
- Agile methodologies Scrum+Kanban
Other skills: Responsible, capable of taking initiative and solving problems. Curious, self-taught, and always seeking continuous learning. Strategic thinking and business development experience (8 years of entrepreneurship).
- Painel Administrativo Ecommerce - React Router | Redux | Material UI
- Portfolio/Blog Pessoal - Next.JS | React| CSS Modules | Vercel | Static Site Generation (SSG)
- Track Calorie App - OOP | State Management | DOM Manipulation | LocalStorage
- CineShow App - JavaScript | Fetch API | Async/Await | Routing | State Management | Dynamic Pages | DOM Manipulation
- Reflection Board - Fullstack project using Node.js/Express REST API, MongoDB, Mongoose, Webpack
- REST Countries API - React Router | fetch API | Mobile-first workflow
- Ecommerce Product Page - React | Tailwind
- Interactive Comment Section - React | CSS custom properties | Mobile-first workflow
- Results Summary UI - React | Taiwind | Postcss | JSON
- Pizza Menu UI - React
- Tailwind Todo List - Javascript | Tailwind | Dark Mode | Mobile First
- Currency Converter - Vanilla JavaScript | Fetch API | Async/Await
- Weather App - JavaScript | Fetch API | Async/Await
React | Syled Components | CSS Modules
ABC - Aways be coding | MUI | SSG | SSR
- Site Pessoal (Em construção)