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Another annotation-free whole-slide training approach to pathological classification. This repository provides scripts to reproduce the results in the paper "Deep neural network trained on gigapixel images improves lymph node metastasis detection in clinical settings", including model training, inference, visualization, etc.


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Another annotation-free whole-slide training approach to pathological classification. This repository provides scripts to reproduce the results in the paper "Deep neural network trained on gigapixel images improves lymph node metastasis detection in clinical settings", including model training, inference, visualization, and statistics calculation, etc.

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Huang, SC., Chen, CC., Lan, J. et al. Deep neural network trained on gigapixel images improves lymph node metastasis detection in clinical settings. Nat Commun 13, 3347 (2022).


Copyright (C) 2021 aetherAI Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license (


Hardware Requirements

Make sure the system contains adequate amount of main memory space (minimal: 32 GB) to prevent out-of-memory error.

Software Stacks

Although Poetry can set up most Python packages automatically, you should install the following native libraries manually in advance.

  • CUDA 10.2+ (Recommended: 11.3)

CUDA is essential for PyTorch to enable GPU-accelerated deep neural network training. See .

  • OpenMPI 3+

OpenMPI is required for multi-GPU distributed training. If sudo is available, you can simply install this by,

sudo apt install libopenmpi-dev
  • Python 3.7+

The development kit should be installed.

sudo apt install python3-dev
  • OpenSlide

OpenSlide is a library to read slides. See the installation guide in .

Python Packages

We use Poetry to manage Python packages. The environment can be automatically set up by,

cd [HMS2 folder]
python3 -m pip install poetry
python3 -m poetry install
python3 -m poetry run poe install-cu113  # change this to "install-cu102" for CUDA 10.x.


Before initiating a training task, you should prepare several configuration files with the following step-by-step instructions. Refer to projects/Camelyon16 as an example for training an HMS model on the CAMELYON16( dataset.

0. (Optional) Try a pre-trained CAMELYON16

If you would like to try training HMS models using CAMELYON16 or evaluating pre-trained ones, here we provided contour description files and pre-trained weights trained at 2.5x, 5x, and 10x magnifications, which is available at .

After the ZIP file is downloaded, unzip it to the project folder:

unzip -o -d /path/to/hms2

Besides, you should prepare the slides of CAMELYON16 from into projects/Camelyon16/slides. Then follow the instructions below.

Pre-trained model AUC (95% CI)
Camelyon16_2.5x 0.6015 (0.5022-0.7008)
Camelyon16_5x 0.6242 (0.5194-0.7291)
Camelyon16_10x 0.9135 (0.8490-0.9781)


1. Create a Project Folder

As a convention, create a project folder in projects with four sub-folders, datalists, slides, contours, and configs.

2. Define Datasets

3 CSV files defining training, validation and testing datasets, respectively, should be placed in projects/YOUR_PROJECT/datalists. See projects/Camelyon16/datalists for example.

These CSV files should follow the format if your datasets were annotated in slide level:


, where [slide_name_*] specify the filename without extension of a slide image and [class_id_*] is an integer indicating a slide-level label (e.g. 0 for normal, 1 for cancerous).

Given contour-level (e.g. LN-level) labels, construct the CSV files in:


You can name each contour whatever you want.

(Optional) Contour Description Files

For each contour, a contour description file in JSON should be composed with content like:

{"slide\_name": "slide\_1\_basename", "contours": contours}

, where contours is a list of contour. Each contour is a list of coordinates in (x, y). See projects/Camelyon16/contours for example. Save these files in projects/YOUR_PROJECT/contours.

3. Prepare Slide Files

Place the slides files in projects/YOUR_PROJECT/slides. Soft links (ln -s) work fine.

4. Set Up Training Configurations

Model hyper-parameters are set up in a YAML file. You can copy projects/Camelyon16/configs/config_2.5x.yaml and modify it for your own preference.

The following table describes each field in a config.

Field Description
RESULT_DIR Directory to store output stuffs, including model weights, testing results, etc.
MODEL_PATH Path to store the model weight. (default: ${RESULT_DIR}/model.h5)
OPTIMIZER_STATE_PATH Path to store the state of optimizer. (default: ${RESULT_DIR}/
STATES_PATH Path to store the states for resuming. (default: ${RESULT_DIR}/
CONFIG_RECORD_PATH Path to back up this config file. (default: ${RESULT_DIR}/config.yaml)
USE_MIXED_PRECISION Whether to enable mixed precision training.
USE_HMS2 Whether to enable HMS2.
TRAIN_CSV_PATH CSV file defining the training dataset.
VAL_CSV_PATH CSV file defining the validation dataset.
TEST_CSV_PATH CSV file defining the testing dataset.
CONTOUR_DIR Directory containing contour description files. Set NULL when using slide-level labels.
SLIDE_DIR Directory containing all the slide image files (can be soft links).
SLIDE_FILE_EXTENSION File extension. (e.g. ".ndpi", ".svs")
SLIDE_READER Library to read slides. (default: openslide)
RESIZE_RATIO Resize ratio for downsampling slide images.
INPUT_SIZE Size of model inputs in [height, width, channels]. Resized images are padded or cropped to the size. Try decreasing this field when main memory are limited.
GPU_AUGMENTS Augmentations to do on GPU with patch-based affine transformation. (defaults: ["flip", "rigid", "hed_perturb"])
AUGMENTS Augmentations to do on CPU.
MODEL Model architecture to use. One of fixup_resnet50.
POOL_USE Global pooling method in ResNet. One of gmp, gap, and lse.
NUM_CLASSES Number of classes.
BATCH_SIZE Number of slides processed in each training iteration for each MPI worker. (default: 1)
EPOCHS Maximal number of training epochs.
LOSS Loss to use. One of ce.
METRIC_LIST A list of metrics.
OPTIMIZER Optimizer for model updating.
INIT_LEARNING_RATE Initial learning rate for Adam optimizer.
REDUCE_LR_FACTOR The learning rate will be decreased by this factor upon no validation loss improvement in consequent epochs.
REDUCE_LR_PATIENCE Number of consequent epochs to reduce learning rate.
TIME_RECORD_PATH Path to store a CSV file recording per-iteration training time.
TEST_TIME_RECORD_PATH Path to store a CSV file recording per-iteration inference time.
TEST_RESULT_PATH Path to store the model predictions after testing in a JSON format. (default: ${RESULT_DIR}/test_result.json)
VIZ_RESIZE_RATIO The resized ratio of the prediction maps.
VIZ_FOLDER Folder to store prediction maps. (default: ${RESULT_DIR}/viz)
VIZ_RAW_FOLDER Folder to store raw prediction maps. (default: ${RESULT_DIR}/viz_raw)

5. Train a Model

To train a model, simply run

python3 -m poetry run python -m hms2.pipeline.train --config YOUR_TRAIN_CONFIG.YAML [--continue_mode]

, where --continue_mode is optional that makes the training process begin after loading the model weights.

To enable multi-node, multi-GPU distributed training, simply add mpirun in front of the above command, e.g.

mpirun -np 4 -x CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,2,3" python3 -m poetry run python -m hms2.pipeline.train --config YOUR_TRAIN_CONFIG.YAML

Typically, this step takes days to complete, depending on the computing power, while you can trace the progress in real time from program output.

6. Evaluate the Model

To evaluate the model, call

[mpirun ...] python3 -m poetry run python -m hms2.pipeline.test --config YOUR_TRAIN_CONFIG.YAML

This command will generate a JSON file in the result directory named test_result.json by default. The file contains the model predictions for each testing slide.

7. Visualize the Model

To generate the CAM heatmap of the model, call

[mpirun ...] python3 -m poetry run python -m hms2.pipeline.visualize --config YOUR_TRAIN_CONFIG.YAML

${VIZ_FOLDER} will store the overlaied previews of inferred test slides. The raw data of heatmaps will be available in ${VIZ_RAW_FOLDER} in the format of .npy.


Another annotation-free whole-slide training approach to pathological classification. This repository provides scripts to reproduce the results in the paper "Deep neural network trained on gigapixel images improves lymph node metastasis detection in clinical settings", including model training, inference, visualization, etc.







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