Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners
This project is a PyTorch implementation of OpenAI GPT-2 model. It provides model training, sentence generation, and metrics visualization. It is considered to be both understandable and optimized. We designed the codes to be comprehensible. Also we use some techniques to improve performance.
- regex
- tqdm
- torch
- numpy
- matplotlib
Before training GPT-2 model, corpus dataset should be prepared. We recommend to build your own corpus by using Expanda. Instead, training module requires tokenized training and evaluation datasets with their vocabulary file.
After preparing datasets, you can train GPT-2 by using as follows:
$ python -m gpt2 train --train_corpus build/corpus.train.txt \
--eval_corpus build/corpus.test.txt \
--vocab_path build/vocab.txt \
--save_checkpoint_path ckpt-gpt2.pth \
--save_model_path gpt2-pretrained.pth
--batch_train 128 \
--batch_eval 128 \
--seq_len 64 \
--total_steps 1000000 \
--eval_steps 500 \
--save_steps 5000
To resume training from last checkpoint file, use --from_checkpoint [last checkpoint file]
If you want to train GPT-2 with multiple GPUs, use --gpus [number of gpus]
The detail of command-line usage is as follows:
usage: gpt2 train [-h] --train_corpus TRAIN_CORPUS --eval_corpus EVAL_CORPUS
--vocab_path VOCAB_PATH [--seq_len SEQ_LEN]
[--layers LAYERS] [--heads HEADS] [--dims DIMS]
[--rate RATE] [--dropout DROPOUT]
[--batch_train BATCH_TRAIN] [--batch_eval BATCH_EVAL]
[--base_lr BASE_LR] [--wd_rate WD_RATE]
[--total_steps TOTAL_STEPS] [--eval_steps EVAL_STEPS]
[--save_steps SAVE_STEPS]
[--save_model_path SAVE_MODEL_PATH]
[--save_checkpoint_path SAVE_CHECKPOINT_PATH]
[--from_checkpoint FROM_CHECKPOINT]
[--from_pretrained FROM_PRETRAINED] [--use_amp]
[--use_grad_ckpt] [--gpus GPUS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Corpus and vocabulary:
--train_corpus TRAIN_CORPUS
training corpus file path
--eval_corpus EVAL_CORPUS
evaluation corpus file path
--vocab_path VOCAB_PATH
vocabulary file path
Model configurations:
--seq_len SEQ_LEN maximum sequence length
--layers LAYERS number of transformer layers
--heads HEADS number of multi-heads in attention layer
--dims DIMS dimension of representation in each layer
--rate RATE increase rate of dimensionality in bottleneck
--dropout DROPOUT probability that each element is dropped
Training and evaluation:
--batch_train BATCH_TRAIN
number of training batch size
--batch_eval BATCH_EVAL
number of evaluation batch size
--base_lr BASE_LR default learning rate
--wd_rate WD_RATE weight decay rate
--total_steps TOTAL_STEPS
number of total training steps
--eval_steps EVAL_STEPS
period to evaluate model and record metrics
--save_steps SAVE_STEPS
period to save training state to checkpoint
Saving and restoring:
--save_model_path SAVE_MODEL_PATH
save trained model weights to the file
--save_checkpoint_path SAVE_CHECKPOINT_PATH
save training state to the checkpoint file
--from_checkpoint FROM_CHECKPOINT
load last training state from checkpoint file
--from_pretrained FROM_PRETRAINED
initialize parameters from pretrained model
--use_amp use automatic mixed-precision in training
--use_grad_ckpt use gradient checkpointing in transformer layers
--gpus GPUS number of gpu devices to use in training
After training GPT-2, you can generate sentences with your trained model in interactive mode.
$ python -m gpt2 generate --vocab_path build/vocab.txt \
--model_path model.pth \
--seq_len 64 \
--nucleus_prob 0.8
The detail of command-line usage is as follows:
usage: gpt2 generate [-h] --vocab_path VOCAB_PATH --model MODEL
[--seq_len SEQ_LEN] [--layers LAYERS] [--heads HEADS]
[--dims DIMS] [--rate RATE] [--top_p TOP_P] [--use_gpu]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--vocab_path VOCAB_PATH
vocabulary file path
--model_path MODEL_PATH
trained GPT-2 model file path
Model configurations:
--seq_len SEQ_LEN maximum sequence length
--layers LAYERS number of transformer layers
--heads HEADS number of multi-heads in attention layer
--dims DIMS dimension of representation in each layer
--rate RATE increase rate of dimensionality in bottleneck
Generating options:
--nucleus_prob NUCLEUS_PROB
probability threshold for nucleus sampling
--use_gpu use gpu device in inferencing
One way to estimate the performance of trained model is to calculate the objective metrics with evaluation dataset, which is not used during training phase.
$ python -m gpt2 evaluate --model_path model.pth --eval_corpus corpus.test.txt --vocab_path vocab.txt
Moreover, you can also analyse training loss graph by visualizing recorded metrics.
$ python -m gpt2 visualize --model_path model.pth --interactive
The example figure is as bellow:
Using apex in training
While training, you can use NVIDIA apex to use fused CUDA layers and mixed-precision optimization. The option --use_amp
enables automatic mixed precision in training. Before using these performance boosting, you should install NVIDIA apex library by following the repository, or run belows:
$ git clone
$ cd apex
$ pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./
If you cannot install the library or your GPU device does not support fast mixed-precision training (precisely, GPU should support mixed-precision acceleration through Tensor Cores), you can train the model in single-precision mode. Mixed-precision training is an option. In that case, you can still use fused CUDA layers such as Adam optimizer and layer normalization in training.
You can play trained GPT2 model in Google Colab! The above notebook contains text generation and metrics evaluation. You need to upload the trained model, vocabulary file and evaluation dataset to Google Cloud Storage.
For the people who are interested in korean-version of GPT2, we rewrite the above notebook to provide the case of gpt2-ko-302M
model especially, which is trained with about 5.04B tokens from korean documents. You can play demo in this notebook.
This project is Apache-2.0 Licensed.