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Important! develoment in progress..

  • hook for Sails JS.
  • Customized to support the Swagger 2.0 specification, it is a simple and clean solution to integrate swagger with Sails JS, the application's models, controllers, and routes are automatically aggregated and transformed into a Swagger Document.
  • Based in forks(outdated) of swagger-express, sails-swagger, sails-swagr and [sails-custom-swagger-hook][], but uptate and personalize to use with up to date dependencies and with a couple of extra features for allow inject CSS and JS files for brand personalization.


This module will do it best to autogenerate everything it can from Sails configuration and create a Swagger 2.0 JSON Specification to be used with the Swagger-UI. After routes and models have been generated, you may create a docs directory under api/ and place YML documents with paths definitions for each Controller. As a result, the generated JSONs and YAMLs will be merged.

Here is how documentation API page looks like (sample):



$ npm install @afidoss/sails-hook-swagger --save

Quick Start

Configure hook as express middleware.

Key Example value Description
apiVersion '1.0' Your api version. (optional)
swaggerVersion '2.0' Swagger version.(optional)
swaggerURL '/api/docs' Path to use for swagger ui web interface.(required)
swaggerJSON '/api-docs.json' Path to use for swagger ui JSON.(required)
basePath process.env.HOST_NAME | | 'http://localhost:1337' The basePath for swagger.js .(required)
info { title: '', description: ''} [Metadata][info] about the API (optional)
apis ['./api/docs/User.yml'] Define your api array. (optional)
ui 'new' Value list complet is: new, last or custom. Default is new
uiIndex 'index.html' Index of ui .Default is index.html
docsFile true Is used for load documentation with file
swaggerDocsFile 'assets/api/docs-api.json' manuelly set documentation of api on format json or yml.use this un production after set docsFile to true
uiPath '/path-of-swagger-ui' if ui= custom, you must specify this,otherwise that will throw error
folder '/assets/docs' Path to folder where custom-swagger.css and custom-swagger.js are stored (optional)


  • Currently the implementation for personalization is very basic, you can place the folder for the customization files in any convenient folder of your application, for example assets/docs, however the name for the css/js files are mandatory. For properly operation of the hook please preserve the name for custom-swagger.css and custom-swagger.js
  • Files placed in your customization folder are availables as static assets, For example if your customization folder is assets/docs any file placed on the folder is available in the url {host path}/api/docs/{file path/name}

Simple set sails.config.appPath variable


Steps (e.g.):

  • In your config/local.js file add the value swagger.basePath': "http://localhost:1337"
  • In your config/env/heroku.js file add the value swagger.basePath: ""
  • In your config/env/development.js file add the value swagger.basePath: ""
  • In your config/env/staging.js file add the value swagger.basePath: ""
  • In your config/env/production.js file add the value swagger.basePath: ""
  • Set the properly NODE_ENV variable on each environment that you configure

Sails Integration

Create the config/swagger.js to look like:

module.exports.swagger = {
    apiVersion: '1.0',
    swaggerVersion: '2.0',
    swaggerURL: '/api/docs',
    swaggerJSON: '/api-docs.json',
    basePath: process.env.HOST_NAME||'http://localhost:1337',
    info: {
      title: ' App API Documentation',
      description: ' API Swagger'

    apis: [

Generate api documentation in command-line

Add this code on .sailsrc file:

  "modules": {
    "swagger": "@afidoss/sails-hook-swagger/generate"

Next stape execute this command-line:

$ sails generate swagger

we will see :

you can also specify filename like: sails generate swagger my-api.yml


  • commande line can support yml and json output
  • you can also specify filename like: sails generate swagger my-api.yml

Inject files for look and feel customization, a JS and CSS file

Place the personalization files in your selected folder, for example '/assets/docs'. Find below a example for each one of this files:

// @Name: custom-swagger.js

// Swagger UI uses jQuery,
// so there is not problem with to use it here
$(document).ready(function() {

  // Change page title
  $("title").text("App Name");

  // Change logo link
    document.location.protocol + '//' +

  // Change brand text
  $(".logo__title").text("App name");

  // Change logo image
  // all files added to the folder with custom files
  // is public in /api/docs/{path to file}
  // also you can use the assets folder provided by sails
  // to store an image or point to an external file
    alt: "App name",
    height: "30",
    width: "30",
    src: "my-logo.png"


CSS file

/* @Name: custom-swagger.css */

#custom-swagger .swagger-section #header {
  background-color: #2BA0D3;

#custom-swagger .swagger-section #explore,
#custom-swagger .swagger-section #auth_container .authorize__btn {
  background-color: #42BFeF;

#custom-swagger .swagger-section #api_selector input {
  height: 20px;
  padding: 4px 12px;
  background-color: #fff;
  background-image: none;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  border-radius: 4px;
  box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075);
  -webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s,box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;
  transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s,box-shadow ease-in-out .15s;
  color: #777;
  line-height: 1.4em;


Lift sails and navigate to the specified swaggerURL e.g.


Read from YAML file

Example 'Users.yml'

      summary: Login with username and password
      notes: Returns a user based on username
      responseClass: User
      nickname: login
        - text/html

      - name: username
        dataType: string
        paramType: query
        required: true
        description: Your username

      - name: password
        dataType: string
        paramType: query
        required: true
        description: Your password

        type: String
        type: String

Swagger is a specification and complete framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services. View demo.

That’s it!



The MIT License, © afidoss


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