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Asha Music

Team Members:

  • Afnan Haq (Front End Developer)
  • Sheika Islam (Front End Developer)
  • Hellen Ekpo (Front End Developer)
  • Abed Islam (Back End Developer)
  • Damaris Santiago (Back End Developer)


Asha Music is a streaming service that allows users to have a personalized music listening experience. Users can create playlists, tailor music recommendations, and upgrade to an Artist account, allowing them to upload music. One of our developers, Abed Islam, is a musical artist. He has noticed the disparity between local and popular artists and believes that it is imperative bridge the gap between the two groups. This application will give local aspiring artists the opportunity to connect with the artists that inspire them and give artists with larger fanbases the ability to provide mentoring services and develop personal connections with their audience.

Stack: MongoDB, Express, React, Node (MERN), and AWS S3

Linting: ESLint

Automated Documentation: JSDoc

Automated Testing: Postman, Newman, and GitHub Actions

Automated Build and Deployment: Heroku

CI/CD Pipeline: GitHub Actions to Heroku

Git Push → Github Actions Testing → Tests Pass → Heroku Builds and Deploys Application
Git Push → Github Actions Testing → Tests Fail

To Install Dependencies:


npm run dev

To Start the Application Locally: Refer to collections/users.json for Login Information

Client and Server

npm start

To Test Routes (Using Postman and Newman) Locally:


npm start


npm run tests (user and artist)
npm run utests (user)
npm run atests (artist)

To Lint Code (Using ESLint)


npm run lint (client and server)
npm run cl (client)
npm run sl (server)

To Read Routes Documentation (Using JSDOC):


npm run jsdoc
Open server/jsdoc/index.html in browser

User Routes

    GET      /user/listUserRoutes
    POST     /user/register
    POST     /user/login
    PUT      /user/follow
    PUT      /user/addFollower
    PUT      /user/unfollow
    PUT      /user/removeFollower
    POST     /user/followingCount
    POST     /user/followerCount
    PUT      /user/updateUsername
    PUT      /user/updatePassword
    PUT      /user/updateProfile
    PUT      /user/updatePersonalInfo
    PUT      /user/updateGenres
    PUT      /user/switchToArtist
    POST     /user/getUser
    POST     /user/getArtist
    POST     /user/getSong
    POST     /user/getAlbum
    PUT      /user/incrementSongStream
    PUT      /user/addLibrarySong
    POST     /user/recentlyAddedtoLibrary
    PUT      /user/removeLibrarySong
    POST     /user/librarySongCount
    PUT      /user/createPlaylist
    POST     /user/playlistsCount
    PUT      /user/addPlaylistSong
    PUT      /user/removePlaylistSong
    POST     /user/getPlaylistInfo
    POST     /user/playlistSongCount
    PUT      /user/deletePlaylist
    DELETE   /user/deleteAccount

Artist Routes

    POST     /artist/createSong
    PUT      /artist/uploadSongData
    PUT      /artist/uploadSongCover
    PUT      /artist/editSongInfo
    DELETE   /artist/deleteSingle
    POST     /artist/createAlbum
    PUT      /artist/uploadAlbumCover
    PUT      /artist/editAlbumInfo
    PUT      /artist/addSongtoAlbum
    PUT      /artist/addAlbumIdtoSong
    PUT      /artist/removeSongfromAlbum
    PUT      /artist/removeAlbumIdfromSong
    PUT      /artist/publishSingle
    PUT      /artist/publishAlbum
    DELETE   /artist/deleteAlbumSongs
    DELETE   /artist/deleteAlbum
    POST     /artist/getSongs
    POST     /artist/getAlbums
    POST     /artist/getAlbumSongs
    POST     /artist/getSongStreams
    POST     /artist/getAlbumStreams
    POST     /artist/getAllStreams

Completed Requirements:

User and Artist Requirements:

  1. Register and Delete Account
  2. Login
  3. Edit Account Information (Username, Password, Name, Bio, Email, DOB, Favorite Genres)
  4. Upgrade from User to Artist
  5. Search for Users and Artists
  6. Follow and Unfollow Users and Artists
  7. Search for Music
  8. Play Music
  9. Add Music to and Remove Music from Library
  10. View Songs Recently Added to Library
  11. Create and Delete Playlists
  12. Add Music to and Remove Music from Playlists

Artist Specific Requirements:

  1. Upload and Publish Songs and Albums
  2. Update Unpublished Song and Album Information
  3. Delete Unpublished Songs
  4. Delete Unpublished and Published Singles and Albums
  5. View Song, Album, and All Streams


No description, website, or topics provided.






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