A Python Shiny app showing earthquakes and volcanoes.
Earthquake data come from the USGS and were downloaded here, and volcano data come The Simithsonian Institute and were downloaded from here.
A live version of this app is available on shinyapps.io here.
Please also see my companion blog post about creating this app.
If you want to run this app locally, you can clone this repo and follow these steps:
- I recommend creating a conda environment. I am using Python version 3.9.13 because that is currently one of the (few) available version on shinyapps.io. Note that for the plotly widget to work with this version of Python, you need to specify the version of ipywidgets. (Otherwise, the app will encounter an error. See some discussion here. Perhaps this will be fixed in a future version of py-shinywidgets):
conda create --name shinyTest python=3.9.13
conda activate shinyTest
conda install shiny pandas numpy matplotlib plotly ipywidgets==7.7.3
pip install shinywidgets
- Run the app with
cd app
shiny run --reload app.py
- Point your browser to to view your app.