I'm an engineering student from Valparaíso, Chile, with a passion for Machine Learning, and I’m excited to begin my Master's degree in this field.
const Agustin = {
code: [Python, R, C, Javascript, C++],
tools: [React, Vue.js, Django, Flask, Jupyter, LaTex, SQL, GIT, Docker, tensorflow],
learning_rn: [Pytorch, Deeplearning Aplications, Langchain, CI-CD tools]
- 🌱 I’m currently learning NLP aplications
- 👯 I’m currently looking to collaborate on Machine learning projects.
- 📫 How to reach me: agustinghent@gmail.com | agustinghent[at]gmail[dot]com
- ⚡ Fun facts:
- I'm very proficient in Spanish (I'm chilean, buena culiao!), speak proper English and some Portuguese.
- On my free time I enjoy training crossfit and playing the guitar.
- I've never broken a bone.