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Agility CMS & Management API TypeScript SDK

About the Management API SDK

  • Provides a facility to developers to use the new Agility Management API more effectively.
  • Provides methods to perform operations on Assets, Batches, Containers, Content, Models, Pages, and Users.
  • Supports the creation of Pages and Content in batches.
  • Ability to generate Content in bulk for a Website.

Getting Started


  1. Clone the repository agility-cms-management-sdk-typescript.
  2. Import the index file to make use of the Options class.
  3. Create an object of the Options class to provide values of -
    • token -> Bearer token to authenticate a Rest Request to perform an operation.
  4. Create an object of Method class(es), which can be used to create and perform operations. Following is the description of Classes and their respective methods -

Making a Request

import * as mgmtApi from "./index";

//initialize the Options Class
let options = new mgmtApi.Options();

options.token = "<<Provide Auth Token>>"
//Initialize the APIClient Class
let apiClient = new mgmtApi.ApiClient(options);

let guid = "<<Provide the Guid of the Website>>";
let locale = "<<Provide the locale of the Website>>"; //Example: en-us

//make the request: get a content item with the ID '22'
var contentItem = await apiClient.contentMethods.getContentItem(22,guid, locale);

//To log the response of the contentItem object in console.

Class AssetMethods

This class is used to perform operations related to Assets. The following are the methods: -


Parameter Type Description
formData FormData This is an object of type FormData where files can be posted eg : const file = fs.readFileSync(<<Local File>>, null);const form = new FormData(); form.append('files',file,'<<File Name>>');
agilityFolderPath string Path of the folder in Agility where the file(s) needs to be uploaded.
guid string Current website guid.
groupingID number Path of the folder in Agility where the file(s) needs to be uploaded.

Returns: A collection of Media class Object.


Parameter Type Description
originKey string The origin key of the requested folder.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: A collection of Media class Object.


Parameter Type Description
originKey string The origin key of the requested folder.
guid string Current website guid.
mediaID number The mediaID of the folder that needs to be deleted.


Parameter Type Description
folderName string The original folder name.
newFolderName string The new folder name.
guid string Current website guid.
mediaID number The mediaID of the folder that needs to be renamed.


Parameter Type Description
mediaID number The mediaID of the asset which needs to be deleted.
guid string Current website guid.
A string response if a file has been deleted.


Parameter Type Description
mediaID number The mediaID of the file that needs to be moved.
newFolder string The new location (in Agility) where the file needs to be moved.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: An object of Media class with the new location of the file.


Parameter Type Description
pageSize number The page size on which the assets needs to selected.
recordOffset number The record offset value to skip search results.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: An object of AssetMediaList class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
id number The ID of the requested gallery.

Returns: An object of assetMediaGrouping class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
galleryName string The name of the requested gallery.

Returns: An object of assetMediaGrouping class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: An object of assetContainer class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
search string String to search a specific gallery item.
pageSize number The pageSize on which the galleries needs to be selected.
rowIndex number The rowIndex value for the resultant record set.

Returns: An object of assetGalleries class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
gallery assetMediaGrouping Object of AssetMediaGrouping class.

Returns: An object of assetMediaGrouping class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
id number The id of the gallery to be deleted.

A string response if the gallery has been deleted.


Parameter Type Description
mediaID number The mediaID of the requested asset.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: An object of Media class with the information of the asset.


Parameter Type Description
url string The url of the requested asset.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: An object of Media class with the information of the asset.

Class BatchMethods

This class is used to perform operations related to Batches. The following are the methods: -


Parameter Type Description
id number The batchID of the requested batch.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: A object of Batch class.

Class ContainerMethods

This class is used to perform operations related to Containers. The following are the methods: -


Parameter Type Description
id number The container id of the requested container.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: A object of Container class.


Parameter Type Description
modelId number The model id of the requested container.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: A object of Container class.


Parameter Type Description
referenceName string The container reference name of the requested container.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: A object of Container class.


Parameter Type Description
id number The container id of the requested container.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: A object of Container class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
Returns: A collection object of Container class.


Parameter Type Description
id number The container id of the requested container.
guid string Current website guid.
Returns: A collection object of Notification class.


Parameter Type Description
container Container A Container type object to create or update a container.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: An object of Container class.


Parameter Type Description
id number The container id of the requested container.
guid string Current website guid.
Returns: A string response if a container has been deleted.

Class ContentMethods

This class is used to perform operations related to Content. The following are the methods: -


Parameter Type Description
contentID number The contentid of the requested content.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.

Returns: An object of ContentItem class.


Parameter Type Description
contentID number The contentid of the requested content.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of contentID of the requested content.


Parameter Type Description
contentID number The contentid of the requested content.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of contentID of the requested content.


Parameter Type Description
contentID number The contentid of the requested content.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of contentID of the requested content.


Parameter Type Description
contentID number The contentid of the requested content.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of contentID of the requested content.


Parameter Type Description
contentID number The contentid of the requested content.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of contentID of the requested content.


Parameter Type Description
contentItem ContentItem A contentItem object to create or update a content.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.

Returns: An array of contentID of the requested content.


Parameter Type Description
contentItems ContentItem[] A collection of contentItems object to create or update multiple contents.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.

Returns: An array of contentID of the requested content.


Parameter Type Description
contentID number The contentid of the requested content.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of contentID of the requested content.


Parameter Type Description
referenceName string The reference name of the container for the requested content.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
listParams ListParams The parameters list to apply filter on the content list.

Returns: An object of ContentList class of the requested content.


Parameter Type Description
referenceName string The reference name of the container for the requested content.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
listParams ListParams The parameters list to apply filter on the content list.
filterObject ContentListFilterModel To apply filter at the field level.

Returns: An object of ContentList class of the requested content.


Parameter Type Description
locale string Current website locale.
guid string Current website guid.
contentID number The contentID of the requested content.
take number The number of items per record set default value 50.
skip number The skip level on the record set default value 0.

Returns: An object of ContentItemHistory class of the requested content history.


Parameter Type Description
locale string Current website locale.
guid string Current website guid.
contentID number The contentID of the requested content.
take number The number of items per record set default value 50.
skip number The skip level on the record set default value 0.

Returns: An object of ItemComments class of the requested content comments.

Class InstanceUserMethods

This class is used to perform operations related to User. The following are the methods: -


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
Returns: A collection of WebsiteUser class of the requested content.


Parameter Type Description
emailAddress string The email address of the requested user.
roles InstanceRole[] Collection object of InstanceRole class for the requested user.
guid string Current website guid.
firstName string The first name of the requested user.
lastName string The last name of the requested user.

Returns: An object of the InstanceUser class.


Parameter Type Description
userID number The userID of the requested user.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: A string response if a user has been deleted.

Class ModelMethods

This class is used to perform operations related to Models. The following are the methods: -


Parameter Type Description
id number The id of the requested model.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: An object of Model class.


Parameter Type Description
referenceName string The referenceName of the requested model.
guid string The guid of the requested model.


Parameter Type Description
includeDefaults bool Boolean value to include defaults.
guid string Current website guid.
includeModules bool Boolean value to include modules.

Returns: A collection object of Model class.


Parameter Type Description
includeDefault bool Boolean value to include defaults.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: A collection object of Model class.


Parameter Type Description
model Model The object of Model to for the requested model.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: An object of Model class.


Parameter Type Description
id number The id for the requested model.
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: A string response if a model is deleted.

Class PageMethods

This class is used to perform operations related to Pages. The following are the methods: -


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
Returns: A collection object of Sitemap class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
includeModuleZones boolean To include zones in the result set.
searchFilter string To apply search criteria on the requested page template.
Returns: A collection object of PageModel class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
pageTemplateId number The pageTemplateId of the requested page template.
Returns: An object of PageModel class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
templateName string The templateName of the requested page template.
Returns: An object of PageModel class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
pageTemplateId string The pageTemplateId of the requested page template.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
id number The id of the requested page template.
Returns: A collection of ContentSectionDefinition class.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
pageModel PageModel The pageModel object of the requested page template.
Returns: An object of PageModel class.


Parameter Type Description
pageID number The id of the requested page.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.

Returns: An object of PageItem class.


Parameter Type Description
pageID number The pageID of the requested page.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of pageID of the requested page.


Parameter Type Description
pageID number The pageID of the requested page.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of pageID of the requested page.


Parameter Type Description
pageID number The pageID of the requested page.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of pageID of the requested page.


Parameter Type Description
pageID number The pageID of the requested page.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of pageID of the requested page.


Parameter Type Description
pageID number The pageID of the requested page.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of pageID of the requested page.


Parameter Type Description
pageID number The pageID of the requested page.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
comments string Additional comments for a batch request.

Returns: An array of pageID of the requested page.


Parameter Type Description
pageItem PageItem The object of PageItem class for the requested Page.
guid string Current website guid.
locale string Current website locale.
parentPageID number The id of the parent page.
placeBeforePageItemID number The id of the page before the page.

Returns: An array of pageID of the requested page.


Parameter Type Description
locale string Current website locale.
guid string Current website guid.
pageID number The pageID of the requested page.
take number The number of items per record set default value 50.
skip number The skip level on the record set default value 0.

Returns: An object of PageHistory class of the requested page history.


Parameter Type Description
locale string Current website locale.
guid string Current website guid.
pageID number The pageID of the requested page.
take number The number of items per record set default value 50.
skip number The skip level on the record set default value 0.

Returns: An object of ItemComments class of the requested page comments.

Class ServerUserMethods

This class is used to perform operations related to Server User. The following are the methods: -


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.

Returns: An object of ServerUser class of the requested user.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
serverUserID number Current website guid.

Returns: An object of ServerUser class of the requested user.

Class WebhookMethods

This class is used to perform operations related to Webhooks in the agility instance. The following are the methods: -


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
take number The number of items per record set default value 20.
skip number The skip level on the record set default value 0.

Returns: A list of webhooks configured in the instance.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
webhook Webhook An object of Webhook type with the webhook data.

Returns: An object with the created Webhook.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
webhookID string The webhookID of the requested webhook.

Returns: An object with the requested Webhook.


Parameter Type Description
guid string Current website guid.
webhookID string The webhookID of the requested webhook.

Running the SDK Locally

  • npm run clean
  • npm run prepare
  • npm run build

How It Works


Agility CMS


Feedback and Questions

If you have feedback or questions about this starter, please use the Github Issues on this repo, join our Community Slack Channel or create a post on the Agility Developer Community.


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