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An Azure Blob transport for winston3



  • ✔️ Simple API - Easy to use API with sensible defaults
  • 🔵 Typescript ready
  • 🔐 SAS support - Use a Shared Access Signature or key/name auth
  • 🔧 Highly configurable - Lots of options for customization in specific use cases
  • ☁️ Modern - Uses the new @azure/storage-blob SDK


yarn install winston
yarn install winston-azure-blob


import * as winston from "winston";
import { winstonAzureBlob, extensions } from "winston-azure-blob";

const logger = winston.createLogger({
  format: winston.format.combine(
  transports: [
      account: {
        name: "Azure storage account sub domain ([A-Za-z0-9])",
        key: "The long Azure storage secret key"
        // or
        host: 'The host address',
        sasToken: 'The Shared Access Signature token'
        // or
        connectionString: 'A connection string for the storage account'
      blobName: "The name of the blob",
      bufferLogSize : 1,
      containerName: "A container name",
      eol : "\n",
      extension : extensions.LOG,
      level: "info",
      rotatePeriod : "YYYY-MM-DD",
      syncTimeout : 0,



Parameter Data Type Description Default Type/Options
account Object Azure storage account credentials. Can provide either name & key, host & sasToken, or a connectionString. See below
blobName String The name of the blob to log.
bufferLogSize Integer A minimum number of logs before syncing the blob. -1
containerName String The container which will contain the logs.
eol String The character appended to each log. "\n"
extension String The file extension for the log file. No file extension .log via extensions or string file extension
headers Array Column headers for csv log files. Headers, when provided, are applied to newly created csv blobs.
level String Log level of messages for the transport. info
rotatePeriod String (formatted) A moment format for blob name generation. Ex: YYYY-MM-DD will generate blobName.2000.01.01. ""
syncTimeout Integer (milliseconds) The maximum time between two sync calls. Set to zero for realtime logging. 0

Account Credentials Options:

Field Data Type Description
name String Name of the Windows Azure storage account to use.
key String Access key to authenticate into the storage account.
host String HTTP address of the storage account.
sasToken String Shared access signature of the storage account.
connectionString String A connection string for the storage account.

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