- Finish Quote Items CRUD operations (with autocomplete)
- Products/materials CRUD operations
- Handle cotización endDate in user's timezone
- Handle cotización referenceTotal when chaning items from quote
- Unique link sharing per provider
- User authentication with Auth0
- Remove movie from URL path
- Google maps address autocomplete
- Use https://github.com/remaxjs/remax-swr instead of axios
Download and install MongoDB: https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community
Create Data directory:
cd C:\
md "\data\db"
Start service from command line:
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath="c:\data\db"
Import backup from sample_data folder
Add user and DB credentials to .env.local
Start the project with "npm run dev"
Go to http://localhost:3000 and verify it is working
Verify PROD build is going to work with "npm run build"
- Vercel
- Github
- MongoDB Atlas
- Namecheap Domain registration
- Cloudflare DNS and CDN
- Auth0