This web app uses 100% functional components. Simple component state is handled using the useState hook, and more complicated component state is handled with useReducer hook and lifecycle methods use useEffect hook. Global app state is handled by creating a <Context.Provider>
to wrap the entire app with, and then utilizing a custom hook to distribute the global state object, and a dispatch function.
- utilizes access to the MTBproject / HikingProject / TrailRunProject APIs for trail location information, and external url
- utilizes the openrouteservice api to obtain travel isochrone from inputs
- utilizes the nominatim API to search for place names
- Client side routing utilizing the react-router-dom framework
- React front end using the MaterialUI framework to quickly design stunning components
- Styling is a combination of SASS and MaterialUI's CSS-in-JS solution
- the map interface is rendered and controlled using leaflet.js with the react-leaflet abstraction
- user's location is utilizing the leaflet.location plugin within a custom location control component
- location search is powered by nominatim search. There is an event triggered timeout function that prevents multiple calls to the API (in accordance with their use policy forbidding use in an autocomplete). This is a measure to ensure the location exists before clicking the submit button...
- logic is separated from express route listeners by the creation of controller module callbacks
- the controller recieves the request body, maps it out to the correct service which calls the external APIs, and then sends the View a json response
- you will need node.js installed on your machine, as well as git installed globally
- create a project folder
- fork this directory and cd into your folder
git clone <forked directory>
npm install
cd client && npm install
- you will need your own .env file in the root directory, set up with the following keys:
MTB_PROJECT_KEY=<your key>
- away you go!