Current working demo in wireless_motor_gui_AP
ESP8266 wirelessly controlled robot car
NodeMCU Amica board +
ESP8266 SMT Module - ESP-12E, however you don't want to work directly with the SMT, but instead with the: NodeMCU = open-source firmware, may also refer to their very popular devkit board design which is available from $8 to $10
- Motor Shield Board (L293DD) for NodeMCU: available for $5
- Four motors, caster, and metal chassis from aliexpress
Arduino Support
NodeMCU ESP-12E Pin mapping In Arduino, add support for NodeMCU board. (a lot of annoying GUI stuff) Then can program directly in Arduino over USB cable :)
"This example demonstrates how to turn the ESP8266 into an access point (AP), and serve up web pages to any connected client."
- Does LED_blink work?
Both LEDs should blink, but alternating. Serial monitor should display low (<10) values.
- Does motor_helloworld work?
Both motors should move, specifically they should accelerate, switch directions, and repeat. Serial monitor should display commanded speed.