- Every member of the team recorded equal number of voice records with equal number of categories.
- Hierarchy:
- DSP_Data_New
- blank (blank audios)
- close the door
- open the door
- unlock the door
- DSP_Data_Verification
- open the door (password)
- others
- DSP_Data_New
- This is a web app that can recognize speech and verify voices in a form of Voice Command Door Lock that opens if the owners say the correct password "open the door".
- The web page is an E-poster contains some information about the used data features, ML pipeline, the decision tree of the model , a section to test the app and a pie chart to show the confidence score of the result.
- We have followed the full machine learning pipeline used in the industry, from data acquisition to models deployment, and here are the steps:
1- Data Acquisition
2- Data Augmentation :to increase the amount of data to be trained by generating new data points from existing data to improve the performance and outcomes of the model.
3- Exploratory Data Analysis "EDA" : to analyze the data using visual techniques that led us to take all features in frequency domain and only two features (AE,RMSE) in time domain
note: we mainly have two models ,one for speech recognition and the other for voice verifying, the next steps are applied to both of them.
4- Feature extraction and Dimensionality reduction : to reduce the number of features and only take the most efficient ones.
5- Building The model: according to the accuracy we used random forest with its best hyper-parameters, the accuracy of the voice verifying model was 84% and the accuracy of the speech recognition model was 60% and because it's relatively low we imported an external model that convert speech to text to detect the password.
6- Models deployment
Digital Signal Processing (SBE3110) class task 4 created by Team 9:
Names Section Bench Number Mahmoud Yaser 2 30 Ahmed El Sarta 1 8 Adham Mohamed 1 9 Maha Medhat 2 38 -
Languages & Frameworks
- Python (Machine Learning)
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Frontend)
- Flask (Backend)
Submitted to: Dr. Tamer Basha & Eng. Abdallah
All rights reserved © 2022 to our Team - Systems & Biomedical Engineering, Cairo University (Class 2024)