The system has three main components: Users, Classes and Courses with the corresponding functionalities for each.
There are two main users: Admin and Student, with Two Roles: ADMIN and STUDENT, every Student must be assigned to a class during registration process and only the admin can change his/her class.
Admin Permissions:
- Manipulation with students: view all the students, get a specific student, delete a student from the system.
- Manipulation with courses: view all Courses, add new course, delete course, view the students enrolled in this course, add students to a course, and delete students from a course.
- Manipulation with classes: view all classes, add a new class to the system, view all students assigned to this class, and change the student's class to another class.
Student Permissions:
- view his/her enroled courses, view the other (unenroled) courses, enrol in a specific course, and withdraw from a course.
Every action is preserved with auditing functionality. I also added pagination and sorting, custom Authentication provider, custom validations, Transaction Management, i18n and, Uploading files(personal photo).
- Backend: Java, Spring(MVC, AOP, Security, Data JPA), Spring Boot.
- FronEnd: HTML, CSS, Thymeleaf.
- DBMS: Mysql.
- Maven Build tool, Lombok to generate boilerplate code at runtime.
- SpringBoot Flow Architecture
- Entity Relationship Diagram
- Video Demo