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Job Shop Scheduling Benchmark: Environments and Instances for Learning and Non-learning Methods

📖 Overview:

This repository provides a comprehensive benchmarking environment for a variety of machine scheduling problems, including Job Shop Scheduling (JSP), Flow Shop Scheduling (FSP), Flexible Job Shop Scheduling (FJSP), FJSP with Assembly constraints (FAJSP), FJSP with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times (FJSP-SDST), and the online FJSP (with online job arrivals). It aims to be a centralized hub for researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts interested in tackling machine scheduling challenges.

🛠 Solution Methods:

The repository includes exact, heuristic and learning based solution methods, each compatible with one or more machine scheduline problem variants:

Solution methods Type JSP FSP FJSP FJSP SDST FAJSP Online (F)JSP
MILP Exact
CP-SAT Exact
Dispatching Rules Heuristic
Genetic Algorithm Heuristic

🚀 How to use:

Here we provide some short examples on how to use the solution methods in this repository. For more detailed information and more examples, please refer to the tutorials here and here.

  1. Dispatching Rules:
from solution_methods.dispatching_rules import run_dispatching_rules
from solution_methods.helper_functions import load_job_shop_env, load_parameters

parameters = load_parameters("configs/dispatching_rules.toml")
jobShopEnv = load_job_shop_env(parameters['instance'].get('problem_instance'))

makespan, jobShopEnv = run_dispatching_rules(jobShopEnv, **parameters)
  1. Genetic Algorithm:
from solution_methods.helper_functions import load_job_shop_env, load_parameters
from solution_methods.GA.run_GA import run_GA
from solution_methods.GA.src.initialization import initialize_run

parameters = load_parameters("configs/genetic_algorithm.toml")
jobShopEnv = load_job_shop_env(parameters['instance'].get('problem_instance'))

population, toolbox, stats, hof = initialize_run(jobShopEnv, **parameters)
makespan, jobShopEnv = run_GA(jobShopEnv, population, toolbox, stats, hof, **parameters)  
  1. L2D (DRL-based):
from solution_methods.L2D.src.run_L2D import run_L2D
from solution_methods.helper_functions import load_job_shop_env, load_parameters
parameters = load_parameters("configs/L2D.toml")
jobShopEnv = load_job_shop_env(parameters['instance'].get('problem_instance'))
makespan, jobShopEnv = run_L2D(jobShopEnv, **parameters)

🖼️ Plotting:

We provide plotting functions to draw both the precedence relations between operationsand the Gantt chart for the job shop scheduling problems:

Precedence Constraints Gantt Chart

🏗️ Repository Structure

The repository is structured to provide ease of use and flexibility:

  • Configs: Contains the configuration files for the solution methods.
  • Data: Contains the problem instances for benchmarking for different problem variants.
  • Data Parsers: Parsers for configuring the benchmarking instances in the scheduling environment.
  • Plotting: Contains the plotting functions for visualizing the results.
  • Scheduling Environment: Defines the core environment components (job, operation, machine, and jobShop). Also contains the simulationEnv for dynamic scheduling problems with online job arrivals.
  • Solution Methods: Contains the solution methods, including exact, heuristic, and learning-based approaches.

📄 Reference

For more detailed information, please refer to our paper. If you use this repository in your research, please consider citing the following paper:

Reijnen, R., van Straaten, K., Bukhsh, Z., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Job Shop Scheduling Benchmark: Environments and Instances for Learning and Non-learning Methods. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.12794.

Or, using the following BibTeX entry:

  title={Job Shop Scheduling Benchmark: Environments and Instances for Learning and Non-learning Methods},
  author={Reijnen, Robbert and van Straaten, Kjell and Bukhsh, Zaharah and Zhang, Yingqian},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.12794},

A preprint of this paper is available or arXiv. Please note that this version is a placeholder, and will be updated shortely with the final version.