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Data representation

Maxim Kolchin edited this page Jan 8, 2015 · 5 revisions

To represent resources, such as authors, papers, workshops and etc. we try to use only already existent ontologies and don't create a new ontology. Below is the list of used ontologies:


<...> a bibo:Workshop ;
      rdfs:label "..."^^xsd:string ;
      bibo:shortTitle "..."^^xsd:string .;
      swrc:edition "..."^^xsd:integer ;
      rdfs:seeAlso <...workshop URI...> ;
      swc:isSubEventOf <...conference URI...> .

Date of workshop will be encode by

      timeline:beginsAtDateTime "..."^xsd:date ;
      timeline:endsAtDateTime "..."^^xsd:date . 

if it took more than one day or

      timeline:atDate "..."^^xsd:date .



<...> a swrc:Proceedings ;
      foaf:homepage "..."^^xsd:anyURI ;
      dcterms:issued "..."^^xsd:date ;
      bibo:presentedAt <...workshop URI...> ;
      swrc:editor <...person URI...> ;
      foaf:maker <...person URI...> ;
      dcterms:hasPart <...paper URI...> ;
      dc:title "..."^^xsd:string ;
      rdfs:seeAlso <...another proceedings URI...> .


<...> a swrc:InProceedings, foaf:Document ;
      bibo:numPages "..."^^xsd:integer ;
      dcterms:partOf <...what?...> ;
      foaf:homepage "..."^^xsd:anyURI ;
      dc:creator <...person URI...> ;
      foaf:maker <...person URI...> ;
      dc:title "..."^^xsd:string .

if a paper is invited one, then

      a swc:InvitedPaper

is added.


<...> a foaf:Agent ;
      foaf:name "..."^^xsd:string ;
      foaf:made <...paper URI...>, <...workshop URI...> .
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