Uses reflection to make it easier to interact with a database
type S struct {
Y int `db:"y"`
Z int `db:"z"`
Geom orb.Geometry `db:"geom"`
Unexported float32
p := db.Params(S{Y: 10, Z: 15, Geom: orb.Point{1,2}, Unexported: 0.5})
// Generating maps for NamedQuery
p.Map() // map[string]any{"y": 10, "z": 15, "geom": `{"type":"Point",...}`}
p.Use("y").Map() // map[string]any{"y": 10}
p.Omit("y").Map() // map[string]any{"z": 15, "geom": `{"type":"Point",...}`}
// Getting columns (you can filter some out if that's required)
p.Omit("geom").Cols() // []string{"y", "z"}
// Getting values
p.Use("y", "z").Vals() // []any{10, 15}
// Zipping cols and vals
p.Omit("geom").FlatVals() // ([]string{"y", "z"}, []any{10, 15})
// Custom logic for mapping things (note that this is absolutely wrong for the Geom column)
p.Mapper(func (x any) any { return 123 }).Vals() // []any{123, 123, 123}