The Distributed Robotic Behavior Layer implements Pursuit and Evasion behaviors for real-world ROS robots and for simulation. The project began during the summer of 2014 at the Naval Postgraduate School
Set up your environment variables (ROS_HOSTNAME
) for a local master as per the ROS wiki.
To toggle to a local master for just the current terminal, run
export ROS_HOSTNAME=hostname -I
; export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://$ROS_HOSTNAME:11311
If you followed the NPS ARSENL Yoda wiki for Robotic Laser tag to set up your environment variables, you should that aliased to local_ros
, which I recommend you set if you are going to be toggling between physical and simulated robots. Otherwise, feel free to set those variables to localhost for pure simulation.
Launch Stage in one terminal (automatically starts roscore): roslaunch husky_pursuit stage.launch
Run a behavior in another terminal:
roslaunch husky_pursuit seek_control_flee.launch
See the Description of project contents
section for the game behavior launches. With a control launch, use a joystick plugged into your computer.
First (example host IP): ssh ros@ roscore Then: roslaunch husky_pursuit system.launch You can select the behaviors in system.launch when including behaviors.launch, as well as configure max linear and angular speed.
Recommended - also run rqt_console
to monitor log messages and possibly rqt_graph
to view node and topic connections.
Movement manager
- Take relay responsibility from safety controller
- Safety controller instead continues to publish status
- Movement manager sucks in status and then responds (eg relaying, avoiding)
- Compose behaviors, steering behaviors together, priority
Obstacle avoidance Arrival Pursuit and Evasion on physical robots Gazebo individual control launch file (straightforward, I just first need to fix some issue with four_sim.launch having robots fall through the ground)
- Set up testing argument files - eg:
- seek_vs_flee.csv:
max_lin, max_ang, max_lin, max_ang 0.5, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5 0.6, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 ...
- seek_vs_flee.csv:
Convert system to use rocon-multimaster for hydro.
Dynamic reconfigure/parameter server support for nodes, especially the behaviors.
Split behaviors off into a steering_behaviors package - this is a specialized usage of that
If you have a CH Products flightstick, try running: sudo lsusb -v Check joystick output with: jstest /dev/input/js0
─ scripts-----------------------------------Meat of the package
├── toward a goal relative position based on input (distance, bearing)
├── away given a RelativePosition (distance, bearing)
├── back and forth
├── a random position
├── from encoder to odom, changing the frame id and child frame id for RViz vizualization of odometry
├── geometry_msgs/Pose2D as nav_msgs/Odometry for use with robot_pose_ekf (Pose2D from laser_scan_matcher)
├── utility methods
==================================Gun interface and robot control:
├── Subs to status/fire and fires on true. Pubs status/heath based on digital input.
├── the Phidget Python API to expose an interface kit object (Phidget 8/8/8 IO board)
├── RelativePosition messages and auto-fires when tolerances are met
├── shoot with joystick trigger as long as the joy topic is published
├── of the robot with the Leap Motion. Uses the official Python SDK
==================================Older files, not used/finished:
└── Gets transform data from gazebo, stage etc. Replaced with and RelativePosition.
├── from original navigation stack architecture
├── gmapping.bash
─ launch
├── amcl.launch
├── bringup.launch
├── camera
│ ├── ar_track.launch-------------------
│ └── camera.launch---------------------UVC camera launch. Can be included in launch/game/robot.launch, commented out as imagery is currently mostly unused
├── desktop
│ ├── desktop.launch
│ ├── sim.launch
│ └── viz.launch
├── game----------------------------------Physical robot launch files. Indentation represents include structure, but this directory is flat.
│ ├── system.launch---------------------Main launch for physical robot usage. Run this on your local machine after launching roscore on robot_0
│ ├── 1 husky.machine
│ ├── 2 arbiter.launch---------------Sets up initial "arena" with static transforms from world to robot_<num>/base_footprint. The format of this is args="x y z roll pitch yaw"
│ ├── 1 dashboard.launch
│ ├── 3 robot.launch----------------------At the moment, the camera include is commented out to avoid bogging down the network, but is functional if included.
│ ├── 1 base.launch
│ ├── 4 tf_to_relative.launch
│ ├── 5 safety_controller.launch
│ ├── 6 behaviors.launch
│ ├── 7 gun.launch
├── gmapping.launch
├── gmapping_scan_matcher.launch
├── laser_splitter.launch
├── lms5xx.launch
├── localization.launch
├── pose.launch
├── scan_matcher.launch
├── simul
│ ├── behaviors-------------------------Testbed launches comparing behaviors in simulation. <0 behavior>_<1 behavior>[_<2 behavior>].launch. Run in concert with stage.launch
│ │ ├── evade_control_flee.launch
│ │ ├── evade_pursue.launch
│ │ ├── evade_pursue_wander.launch
│ │ ├── flee_wander.launch
│ │ ├── offset_pursue_control.launch
│ │ ├── pursue_control.launch
│ │ ├── pursue_control_seek.launch
│ │ ├── pursue_serpentine.launch
│ │ ├── seek_control_flee.launch
│ │ ├── seek_serpentine_flee.launch
│ │ ├── seek_serpentine.launch
│ │ └── seek_wander.launch
│ ├── control.launch
│ ├── four_sim.launch
│ ├── one_husky.launch
│ ├── robots2.launch
│ ├── robots4.launch
│ ├── robots.launch
│ ├── spawn_model.launch
│ ├── stage.launch
│ ├── stage_sky.launch
│ ├── two_sim.launch
│ └── unified_control.launch
└── teleop
├── key_teleop.launch-----------------Depends on installation of the kobuki-keyop package (robot specific, but velocities are remapped to the husky topic).
├── joystick.launch-------------------Drive husky and shoot laser tag guns with a joystick. Includes manual To drive, hold the deadman button, and to shoot press the trigger.
└── leap_teleop.launch----------------
─ maps--------------------------------------Maps generated with Gmapping at the Naval Postgraduate School
├── <map files>
─ msg
└── RelativePosition.msg------------------Message used by the pure_seek, pure_flee and shooter nodes. Generated by tf_to_relative or <build your own new localization node>!
─ rviz
├── huskies.rviz--------------------------Physical robot system vizualization config. Used in launch/game/dashboard.launch to launch RViz.
├── navigation.rviz
├── robot_0.perspective-------------------rqt ('rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui' or 'rqt') configuration
└── stage.rviz----------------------------Simuation visualization configuration for 3 robots for RViz
─ worlds------------------------------------Stage world definitions
├── mocked wing UAVs. More just experimental
├── square.png
└── world simulation setup. Open, but boxed playing field with 3 robots (0, 1, 2)
─ package.xml
12 directories, 114 files