Scripts for updating packages for homebrew, python, node, ruby & perl. pipup and perlup are cross platform. The others are macOS & homebrew specific.
Update, upgrade and cleanup homebrew packages.
Update rust cargo
Update python3 packages
Update npm packages
Updates ruby gem updater and gems
Updates lua rocks
Updates perl packages with cpanminus and cpan-outdated
Update homebrew, python, npm, ruby and perl at once. Depends on brewup, pip-review, npm, gem and perlup
Install homebrew versions of python, npm, ruby and perl as well as tools for updating python and perl. Copy or symlink the updater scripts to /usr/local/bin/ Creates the script pip-review2 as a python2 version of pip-review Optionally installs symlinks to this cloned directory with -l parameter
$ ./install -l
$ upall