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This code implements the algorithm in Wheeler & Kipping 2019. Find posterior samples from the paper at

This code is tested with Julia 1.0. It requires the Interpolations, DataFrames, and FITSIO packages. To install them run these commands on the Julia REPL


Here is a brief usage example, using the same parameters we did in the paper.

push!(LOAD_PATH, "/directory/containing/this/code")
using WeirdDetector

#here's how you can get a Kepler light curve detrended like we did in the paper
getFITS(8462852, fitsdir="./") #download FITS files for Boyajian's star to the current directory
df = loadFITS(8462852, fitsdir="./") #load all quarters into single data frame, perform outlier rejection and detrending
data = pointsify(df) #convert to data type taken by periodogram()

#construct array of periods used in paper.  Any array of Float32's can be used instead.
periods = optimal_periods(2.0, 50.0)
#construct a DataFrame containing the chi-squared and kurtosis values for each period
#if you want to parallelize, start Julia with "julia -n <number of cores>"
output = periodogram(data, periods, parallel=true) 

#do some postprocessing 
output[:delt_chi2] = flatten(output[:chi2], periods) #calculate \Delta \chi^2 (see equation N)

null_output = scrambled_periodogram(data, periods)
null_output[:delt_chi2] = flatten(null_output[:chi2], periods)
sigma = movingstd((null_output[:kurtosis] .- 3) .* (null_output[:delt_chi2]))

output[:zeta] = (output[:kurtosis] .- 3) .* output[:delt_chi2] ./ sigma

#plot the periodogram
using PyPlot
plot(periods, output[:zeta])

Here's a usage example without Kepler-specific steps, assuming you already have t::Vector{Float32}, F::Vector{Float32}, and sigmaF::Vector{Float32}, which correspond to the epoch, flux, and flux uncertainty for each point in the light curve, as well as periods::Vector{Float32}, the periods for which you want to evaluate the merit fuction.

using DataFrames

#this constructs an array of Points with Julia's broadcast syntax
#Points are just structs (composite types) used internally by the code
data = Point.(t, F, sigmaF) 

#construct a DataFrame containing the chi-squared and kurtosis values for each period
#if you want to parallelize, start Julia with "julia -n <number of cores>"
output = periodogram(data, periods, parallel=true) 

output[:delt_chi2] = flatten(output[:chi2], periods) #calculate \Delta \chi^2 (see equation N)
#calculate delta chi^2
output[:delt_chi2] = median(output[:chi2]) .- output[:chi2]

null_output = scrambled_periodogram(data, periods)
null_output[:delt_chi2] = median(null_output[:chi2]) .- null_output[:chi2]

#smooth null_periodogram with a 200-point-wide kernel
sigma = movingstd((null_output[:kurtosis] .- 3) .* (null_output[:delt_chi2]), kw=200)

#colculate the merit function
output[:zeta] = (output[:kurtosis] .- 3) .* output[:delt_chi2] ./ sigma

#plot the periodogram
using PyPlot
plot(periods, output[:zeta])


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