Retraining the final layer of Google's Inception (TensorFlow)
git clone
cd Retrain-Inception
This step involves setting up the folder structure so that tensorflow can pick up the classes easily. Let’s assume that you want to train 5 new flower types, say “roses”, “tulips”, “dandelions”, “mayflower”, and “marigold”. To create the folder structure,
- Create one folder for each flower type. The name of the folder will be the name of the class ( in this case, that particular flower).
- Add all the images of the flowers into its respective folders. Eg; all images of roses go into the “roses” folder.
- Add all the folders into another parent folder, say, “flowers”. At the end of this exercise, you will have the following structure: ~/flowers
Note: All the images must be in jpg format
python --model_dir ./inception --image_dir ~/flowers --output_graph ./output --how_many_training_steps 500
- Rename the file named 'output' which is formed after Step 3 in 'Retrain-Inception' directory to 'output.pb'
- Copy the file 'output_lables.txt' from 'tmp' folder in root directory to 'Retrain-Inception' directory
- Rename the copied file in 'Retrain-Inception' to 'labels.txt'
- Make sure the is in the same folder as the retrained model and labels file.
- Run the following command
python <image_path>
Following is an example of classifying an image present in Pictures directory
python /home/akshay/Pictures/test_image_flower.jpg