PeerClientApp is WebRTC client application for iOS which demonstrates how to use PeerClient framework. This application shows how to create native WebRTC client with Swift. You can call to other peer with video and also send data with data connection. You can draw particles by swiping video screen area which is also shown in the other side of peer's screen during the call.
- Download PeerClient and SocketRocket with carthage
% cd path_to_the_directory/PeerClientApp
% carthage update --platform iOS
You also need existing peerjs-server which is already up and runing for signailng, or you need to set up by yourself.
Edit PeerClientApp/Configuration.swift according to your peerjs-server settings.
static let host: String = "put your peerjs server url"
static let path: String = "/"
static let port: Int = 443
static let key: String = "put your peerjs server key"
static let secure: Bool = true