A fitness tracking app created in MERN stack. Created for a hackerearth hackccelerate 72 hr hackathon 2020, placed among top 15 out more than 1500 teams that were registered for it globally.
- This a basic entry level app, created for users to log their calorie intakes and burns throughout the day.
- Diet is often considered the most important part of a transformation journey in fitness, that is what the application encourages.
- Their exists a few workout plans as well, the user can complete these and log them in the calorie counter.
- User can have a personalised user card, with height, weight, age , gender, BMI.
- Keep it flat stands for keeping things flat in the user calorie count graph, to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- users can log their activity
- based on the intensity of the value the app shows different colors. for eg: BMI>25 || BMI<18 are shown with red, activity logs are also shown in different colors denoting different intensities.
- Light bluish-green color indicates a health activity or BMI.
- Exercise sessions are also provided for home workouts.
- user authentication
- activity logger
- Graphical representation
- exercise sessions
- somewhat responsive
- nodemon server.js
- cd client
- npm start
- Node.js with express
- React.js with hooks
- MongoDb with mongoose
- cloudinary: to store user images
- jsonwebtoken and bcrypt: for userAuth and password hashing
- mongoose: to make life simple with mongoDB
- emailverification: to check whether the mail provided during registration is valid or not
- sendgrid: to send verification mails and password reset system
- momentJS: to make database queries easier, regarding particular dates
- toast-react: to provide with toast notifications
- react-graphjs-2: to create line graphs
- I want to add the features of user tracking with maps, to log cycling, walking or running.
- Make it completely mobile friendly so that the app is used by more people, also being fitness tracker the app must be mobile friendly.
- Add a social media side to it.
- A little bit of gamification.
- Diet manager and a chat with nutritionist.