The repository has a maven project and a README file,
- src/ -> containes the source code of NeoUtility
- executables/ -> contains the exeutables used to run NeoUtility
- pom.xml -> POM file of the Neo maven project of Java nature
- -> This quick user guide, the file you are currently reading :)
To build this project. You should have maven installed
with right settings to connect to internet and download the dependencies.
If you are behind firewall make sure you add proxy in your .m2/settings.xml.
.m2/settigs.xml is generally located in the USER home directory.
Which is,
for Windows:
for Linux:
Once you have maven in place.
- Go to the <Your_PC_PATH>/neorepo directory,
- Run following command: mvn clean install
Once you have got SUCCESS in the build process above, you will find the executables in the maven build output directory i.e. "target" directory.
To run NeoUtility. Go to "target" and you will find two NeoUtility files one with extension .bat and other with extension .sh Use appropriate version based on your OS.
You can also execute the jar by using: java -jar neo-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar START_DATE END_DATE
NeoUtility has 3 simple options to fetch the data of Near Earth Objects(NEO) from REST service exposed by NASA.
You can get NEO information for,
- today,
- Any date range of span of 7 days max,
- 7 days starting from particular date.
Information has 3 points, 1. No. of NEOs, 2. Largest NEO details, 3. Closest NEO details
For each option, you have to following commands respectively:
- Go to neorepo/ directory on command line.
- Run: a. For Data for today): NeoUtility b. For Data between 2 dates: NeoUtility <START_DATE> <END_DATE> c. For Data for 7 days from start date of your choice: NeoUtility <START_DATE>
After execution, the utility will wait for you to see the response. You can press any key to exit the window.
- After you are done using the utility. You could safely delete the 'target' directory.
Thanks!! Akshay