Istio Operator plugin to kustomize to generate the manifests using istioctl plugin.
While maintaining multiple services in kubernetes, we usually rely on kustomize to manage and patch the manifests, so kustomize is widely used in pipelines. To install Istio, we rely on the Istio Operator resource to configure Istio resources not needing to manage multiple manifests. So, the main purpose of this plugin is to enable kustomize to generate the manifests to install and configure Istio.
To filter consists of a Docker image. To build the image:
$ make image
To generate the manifests, made the necessary changes in the ./test/istio-operator.yaml manifest, and run:
$ kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins test
Right now, the plugin is configured with Istio 1.13 manifests. To change the version:
$ go get<branch with the version on>
$ go mod tidy
Example for the istioctl 1.13:
$ go get