Demonstration of an API with /metrics
, an prometheus scrape, and grafana dashboard.
- Go
- Tilt
- microk8s, kind, or another with local registry
tilt up
user: admin
password: you get from secrets.
Fill the following field:
Prometheus server URL: http://local-prometheus-server
Save & Test
Create a new visualization
Use the following query, this will show total requests grouped by status code
sum by (status_code)(rate(http_requests_total{method="GET",service="my-service-name"}[1m]))
Save and Apply
kubectl get secret local-grafana -ojsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 -d
kubectl edit cm local-prometheus-server
Change scrape interval
evaluation_interval: 15s
scrape_interval: 15s
scrape_timeout: 10s
You can make scrape in the same config, or just use the annotation
- job_name: golangapi
- targets: ["go-api:9191"]
metrics_path: "/metrics"
The annotation is already configured in pod deployment, so you dont need to configure the scraper
annotations: "true" /metrics "3000"
kubectl port-forward svc/local-prometheus-server 9191:80