This library provides a toolset to perform SfM reconstructions on the Photo Tourism dataset (or datasets with similar formats). Performed as a "weekend" coding test.
This library is tested using Python 3.6.8. The full list of packages can be found in requirements.txt
This library is developed to be used in the Photo Tourism dataset or datasets with a similar format. The command line tool is given the path to the *.out
file generated by Bundler and must follow the same file structure:
├── images
├── list.txt
└── <bundle_file>.out
Some basic commands that can be performed using this library are:
- Reconstruction using two images, view on a window and save the result on the file
$ python --path ~/Sources/coding_test/NotreDame/notredame.out --images 1 2 --colorize --view --save reconstruction.ply
- Reconstruction using four images on a pairwise reconstruction, view on a window and save the result on the file
$ python --path ~/Sources/coding_test/NotreDame/notredame.out --images 1 2 3 4 --colorize --reconstruction_method pair --view --save reconstruction.ply
- Reconstruction using four images on a bundle reconstruction, view on a window and save the result on the file
$ python --path ~/Sources/coding_test/NotreDame/notredame.out --images 1 2 3 4 --colorize --view --save reconstruction.ply
- Reconstruction using four images on a bundle reconstruction, view on a window and save the result on the file
, using an universal interface.
python --path ~/Sources/coding_test/NotreDame/notredame.out --images 1 2 3 4 --demo --view --save reconstruction.ply
The full list of parameters can be found using python --help
usage: [-h] [--path PATH] [--images IMAGES [IMAGES ...]]
[--reconstruction_type RECONSTRUCTION_TYPE]
[--reconstruction_method RECONSTRUCTION_METHOD] [--view]
[--colorize] [--save SAVE] [--demo]
Structure From Motion coding test uding the Photo Tourism dataset.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path PATH Path to the *.out file containing the bundler data
--images IMAGES [IMAGES ...]
Input images to the SfM algorithm (int indexes). The
method will fail if a number larger than the dataset
size is specified
--reconstruction_type RECONSTRUCTION_TYPE
Type of reconstruction: 'dense' or 'sparse'. Defaults
to 'sparse'
--reconstruction_method RECONSTRUCTION_METHOD
Method to perform the reconstruction: either 'pair' or
'bundle'. Defaults to 'bundle'
--view View the resulting point cloud in an X window
--colorize Colorize the point cloud
--save SAVE Save the resulting point cloud on the specified file
--demo Execute demo registration with proposed interface
The global interface that can be used with any data source is the follwoing:
points, colors = sfm.sparse_reconstruction.sparse_bundle_reconstruction_data(images, pair_dict, camera_matrices, ks, colorize=True)
This interface needs the following parameters:
List of numpy arrays with all the images.pair_dict
List of dictionaries with all the matches. For an example of how to create such list of dictionaries,
List containing all the 3x4 camera matrices (intrinsics+extrinsics).ks
List containing all the intrinsic parameters for each image in the format[f, k1, k2]
Optional parameter to indicate if the colors are also extracted. Defaults toTrue
V0.1 - Initial version with only sparse reconstruction working.