Ever-changing ricing and *UNIX
OS configuration. Work in progress.
I mostly use Arch-Linux with tiling-wms, especially i3-wm and currently qtile (even though I tend to wm-hop quite often 'cause I'm curious of the other alternatives). For what concerns text editors, I'm mostly a Neovim and Doom Emacs user, who sometimes also tinkers with JetBrains IDEs.
Make sure to have all the proper fonts installed in your system (qtile require ttf-icomoon-feather, JetBrains Mono Nerd and Fira Code, but you should still be able to change them quite easily).
The Qtile setup is based on a two monitors setup, but should also work just fine on single-monitor setups. If the config doesn't properly load, check python -m ~/.config/qtile/config.py
, install the listed missing modules or simply fix the configuration file so it meets your needs.
Colorschemes are managed by pywal
which generates them based on the wallpaper used.
Start-up apps are handled by Qtile inside .config/qtile/autostart.sh
, where I also specify my desired wallpaper using wal
Window Manager: Qtile
Terminal: Alacritty
GTK Theme: Material-Black-Blueberry
Icon Theme Flat-Remix-Blue-Dark
Mouse Cursor Bibata-Modern-Ice
Notification Server Dunst
Lockscreen: Betterlockscreen
- Docker-Compose Boilerplates
- X11 Miscellaneous Configurations
- Bash scripts to manage monitors, keyboard layouts and wallpapers
Win + Enter
$\implies$ Open the terminal (Default: alacritty) -
Win + X
$\implies$ Close focused window -
Win + F
$\implies$ Toggle Fullscreen -
Win + Shift + F
$\implies$ Toggle Floating -
Win + Up/Down
$\implies$ Switch between windows -
Win + Shift + [1,2,3,...,9]
$\implies$ Move window to specified workspace -
Win + Tab
$\implies$ Next layout -
Win + Shift + Tab
$\implies$ Previous layout -
Win + Shift + Space
$\implies$ Switch between US and IT keyboard layout -
$\implies$ Switch focus to first monitor -
$\implies$ Switch focus to second monitor -
$\implies$ Flameshot Screenshot
Ctrl + Arrows
$\implies$ Move between panes/windows -
Ctrl + n
$\implies$ Toggle Oil -
Ctrl + F5
$\implies$ Toggle Undotree -
Space + ff
$\implies$ Open Telescope (Find Files) -
Space + x
$\implies$ Close focused buffer -
Space + [ or ]
$\implies$ Cycle through buffers -
Space + S
$\implies$ Toggle Spectre -
Ctrl + Spacebar
$\implies$ Accepts current LSP Completion -
Alt + h
$\implies$ Toggle horizontal terminal -
Alt + v
$\implies$ Toggle vertical terminal -
Space + db
$\implies$ Toggle Nvim-dap Breakpoint -
Space + dr
$\implies$ Nvim-dap Continue -
Space + dt
$\implies$ Nvim-dap Terminate