The pull request for frame expansion compensation was merged into mainline Klipper on 2022.09.25 (see commit).
This plug-in is therefore redundant and will no longer be maintained.
See the updated config reference
and g-code docs to
update your config/macros to the [Z_THERMAL_ADJUST]
See also: updated status reference.
TO-DO: Migration guide :)
A Moonraker plug-in for real-time compensation of frame thermal expansion.
Credit to protoloft, from whom I plagarized in near entirety the
script -> Z Auto Calibration
Clone this repo into you home directory. For example:
cd /home/pi
git clone
Run the install shell script:
bash /home/pi/klipper_frame_expansion_comp/
Configure the update manager. Add the following section to moonraker.conf
[update_manager client frame_expansion]
type: git_repo
path: /home/pi/klipper_frame_expansion_comp
primary_branch: main
# The temperature coefficient of expansion, in mm/K. For example, a
# temp_coeff of 0.01 mm/K will move the Z axis downwards by 0.01 mm for every
# Kelvin/degree celcius that the frame temperature increases. Defaults to 0.0,
# no offset.
# Temperature sensor to use for frame temp measurement. Use full config
# section name without quoutes. E.g. temperature_sensor frame
# Smoothing window applied to the temp_sensor, in seconds. Can reduce motor
# noise from excessive small corrections in response to sensor noise. The
# default is 2.0 seconds.
# Disables compensation above this Z height [mm]. The last computed correction
# will remain applied until the toolhead moves below the specified Z position
# again. The default is 0.0mm (always on).
# Maximum absolute compensation that can be applied to the Z axis [mm]. The
# default is 99999999.0mm (unlimited).
# The Z stepper motor linked with the Z endstop, as written in printer.cfg.
# Used for triggering reference temperature measurement. Usually 'stepper_z'
# unless otherwise defined.
The following commands are available when the frame_expansion_compensation config section is enabled:
- SET_FRAME_COMP ENABLE=[<0:1>]: enable or disable frame expansion compensation. When disabled, the last computed compensation value will remain applied until next homing.
- QUERY_FRAME_COMP: report current state and key parameters of the frame expansion compensation.