This utility bundles a set of files into a virtual file system that can be compiled directly into a Go binary.
First, get the command-line tool:
go get \
Generate a bundle from all files under /usr/share/doc/nasm
gobundle --recursive --compress --uncompress_on_init --package=mybundle \
--target=/tmp/gobundle.go --exclude='.git/*' .
This will generate a file something like this:
package mybundle
import (
var MybundleBundle *gobundle.Bundle = gobundle.NewBuilder("mybundle").Compressed().UncompressOnInit().Add(
"", "x\xdaL\x91\xb1\xae\xdb...
"gobundle/main.go", "x\u0694W[o\xdb\...
"gobundle.go", "x\xda\xccVMo\x9b@\x1...
The bundle can then be accessed either directly via the generated exported variable mybundle.MybundleBundle
bundle := mybundle.MybundleBundle
Or via the global registry (which can also be used to iterate over all bundles):
bundle := gobundle.Bundles.Bundle("mybundle")
Once you have a bundle you can traverse the files in the bundle, retrieve the raw bytes for a file, or open a file as an io.Reader
for _, name := range bundle.Files() {
r, _ := bundle.Open(name)
b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
fmt.Printf("file %s has length %d\n", name, len(b))