Service to collect readings of GPS devices and record them in a PostgreSQL database
- GpsService class
- SERVICE_PORT: port that listens to requests
- Auxiliar/AuxSql.cs:
- DB_HOST: host's URL
- DB_DATABASE: database name
- DB_USER: database's user
- DB_PASSWORD: user's password
- DB_PORT: server's port
- Direcciones/ConsultaGMaps.cs:
- GOOGLE_API_KEY: google api key for maps
You will find the structure of the tables in x_DB_SQL_x/GEO.sql
A file to create an installer with NSIS: x_NSIS_Installer_x/GPSService.nsi
- The service receives a message
- Check if it is a valid message (Teltonika, Meiliago, Syrus)
- If it's not valid, inserts a record in the 'gps_error' table
- If it's correct, inserts a record in the 'gps' table
- Looks in the 'direcciones' table for a record within a 5 meter radius of the GPS location
- If it does not exist, reads from Google Maps the address corresponding to the location and inserts it into the 'direcciones' table
- Associates the 'gps' record with the 'direcciones' record
- Support for jsonb ( version >= 9.4 )
- PostGIS module (
Meiligao proccess is based on: