( demo account : alex@mail.com pwd: 123456 )
Lean CRM for self-employed entrepreneurs and professionals.
Key in hand solution with no learning curve for keeping track of your clientele and finances.
Clean and slick interface with concise uncluttered information.
- Intelligent dashboard of upcoming appointments and invoices.
- A powerful and responsive calendar.
- Client tracking.
- Invoices generated, catalogued and automatically emailed on your behalf.
- Precise Financial controller with graphical charts to stay ontop of your business.
- Alejandro Calzadilla ( https://github.com/alej37 )
- Layne Johnson ( https://github.com/laynejohnson )
- Brett Barmby ( https://github.com/brettbarmby )
- Alain Rusnov ( https://github.com/AlainRusnov )
Final project @ LeWagon Montreal Batch #482
Rails app generated with lewagon/rails-templates created by the Le Wagon coding bootcamp team.