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BioNlpOcr 0.5 Beta

Biomedical concept searcher Android App for Gyngerbread. Based in tess-two, Leptonica and Mezzofanti projects.

This project has developed a tool to be used in mobile devices, which shows additional information to the user in real time, about biomedical concepts, from a mobile picture with the biomedical text.

Project Scope: The proposal solution implement a computer system which runs over Android operative systems.

The application is implemented with Java, and It is used the Software Development Kit (SDK) for Java, supplied by Android, plus Eclipse development environment with ADT plugin (Android Development Tools) , which is developed by Google for integrating SDK into Eclipse, therefore Android programs can be developed from Eclipse.

The methodology followed for every life cycle stages has been The Rational Unified Process(RUP) which is an iterative software development process framework.

And the life cycle has been Extreme Programming (XP), which is intended to improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer requirements, advocating frequent releases in short development cycles, which is intended to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints where new customer requirements can be adopted.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

Alejandro Cordón Ureña / Jorge San José Gálvez

listado de librerias utilizadas

APACHE COMMONS NET  -  commons-net-3.0.1.jar  -

 Apache Commons Net
                  Version 3.2
                 RELEASE NOTES

The Commons Net team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Commons Net 3.2

Apache Commons Net library contains a collection of network utilities and protocol implementations.
Supported protocols include: Echo, Finger, FTP, NNTP, NTP, POP3(S), SMTP(S), Telnet, Whois

This release fixes bugs and adds some new functionality (see below).
It is binary compatible with previous releases.
Note that Clirr shows that two public methods have been removed (NET-485). These are not used within NET.

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o NET-468:  Request for native support for socks proxy routing with Commons net FTP. Thanks to Bogdan Drozdowski.
o NET-465:  FTPClient setSendBufferSize and setReceiveBufferSize on data socket. Thanks to Bogdan Drozdowski.
o NET-462:  FTPClient in PASSIVE_LOCAL_DATA_CONNECTION_MODE cannot work when host have several different IP. Thanks to Bogdan Drozdowski.
o           The examples can now be run using "java -jar commons-net-examples-m.n.jar".
            This will automatically include the main net jar in the classpath.
            See documentation.
            FTPClientExample now supports "-A" for anonymous login

Fixed Bugs:
o NET-46:   retrieveFileStream fails randomly or hangs
o NET-485:  Remove unnecessary Base64 methods.
o NET-484:  Base64.CHUNK_SEPARATOR should be private
o NET-483:  Base64.encodeBase64(byte[], boolean, boolean, int) does not calculate output size correctly for unchunked output.
o NET-466:  Regression: TelnetInputStream#available() blocks. Thanks to Martin Oberhuber.
o NET-426:  FTPS: Hook to customize _openDataConnection_ SSLSocket before startHandshake() is called.
            Implement _openDataConnection(String, String) method to properly
            interface with FTPClient.openDataConnection(String, String) Thanks to Ketan.
o NET-456:  TelnetClient hangs when reader-thread startup is delayed.
o NET-449:  listFiles bug with folder that begins with "-". Clarify Javadoc.
o NET-473:  FTPClient setSoTimeout (int time) will result in NullPointerException. Clarify Javadoc.
o NET-475:  FtpClient sends REST when calling listFiles. Clarified Javadoc.
o NET-467:  IMAPClient#fetch() does not handle literal strings.
o NET-458:  MVSFTPEntryParser.parseSimpleEntry - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Thanks to Denis Molony.
o NET-450:  Bug in documentation for FTPClient. Thanks to Roger Hardiman.
o NET-442:  StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1 if server respond with root is current directory.
o NET-444:  FTPTimestampParserImpl fails to parse future dates correctly on Feb 28th in a leap year.

o NET-482:  Support XOAUTH. Thanks to Houman Atashbar.

For complete information on Commons Net, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Net website:

APACHE COMMONS IO  -  commons-io-2.4.jar  -

             Commons IO Package
                Version 2.2
               Release Notes


Commons IO is a package of Java utility classes like  
Classes in this package are considered to be so standard and of such high 
reuse as to justify existence in

The Commons IO library contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, 
file comparators, endian transformation classes, and much more.

Commons IO Package Version 2.2

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Add IOUTils.toBufferedReader(Reader)  Issue: IO-313. Thanks to ggregory. 
o Allow applications to provide buffer (or size) for copyLarge methods.  Issue: IO-308. Thanks to Manoj Mokashi. 
o New copyLarge() method in IOUtils that takes additional offset, length arguments  Issue: IO-305. Thanks to Manoj Mokashi. 
o Use terabyte (TB), petabyte (PB) and exabyte (EB) in FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(long size)  Issue: IO-287. Thanks to Ron Kuris, Gary Gregory. 
o FileUtils.listFiles() doesn't return directories  Issue: IO-173. Thanks to Marcos Vin�cius da Silva. 
o CharSequenceInputStream to efficiently stream content of a CharSequence  Issue: IO-297. Thanks to Oleg Kalnichevski. 
o The second constructor of Tailer class does not pass 'delay' to the third one  Issue: IO-304. Thanks to liangly. 
o TeeOutputStream does not call branch.close() when main.close() throws an exception  Issue: IO-303. Thanks to fabian.barney. 
o ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in BOMInputStream when reading a file without BOM multiple times  Issue: IO-302. Thanks to jsteuerwald, detinho. 
o Add IOUtils.closeQuietly(Selector) necessary  Issue: IO-301. Thanks to kaykay.unique. 
o IOUtils.closeQuietly() should take a ServerSocket as a parameter  Issue: IO-292. Thanks to sebb. 
o Add read/readFully methods to IOUtils  Issue: IO-290. Thanks to sebb. 
o Supply a ReversedLinesFileReader  Issue: IO-288. Thanks to Georg Henzler. 
o Add new function FileUtils.directoryContains.  Issue: IO-291. Thanks to ggregory. 
o FileUtils.contentEquals and IOUtils.contentEquals - Add option to ignore "line endings"
        Added contentEqualsIgnoreEOL methods to both classes  Issue: IO-275. Thanks to CJ Aspromgos. 

Fixed Bugs:
o ignores the offset parameter  Issue: IO-311. Thanks to Robert Muir. 
o CharSequenceInputStream(CharSequence s, Charset charset, int bufferSize) ignores bufferSize  Issue: IO-312. 
o FileUtils.moveDirectoryToDirectory removes source directory if destination is a subdirectory  Issue: IO-300. 
o ReaderInputStream#read(byte[] b, int off, int len) should check for valid parameters  Issue: IO-307. 
o ReaderInputStream#read(byte[] b, int off, int len) should always return 0 for length == 0  Issue: IO-306. 
o "FileUtils#deleteDirectoryOnExit(File)" does not work  Issue: IO-276. Thanks to nkami. 
o treats max differently from[]...)  Issue: IO-273. Thanks to sebb. 
o Various methods of class '' incorrectly suppress ''  Issue: IO-298. Thanks to Christian Schulte. 

o ReaderInputStream optimization: more efficient reading of small chunks of data  Issue: IO-296. Thanks to Oleg Kalnichevski. 

Compatibility with 2.1 and 1.4:
Binary compatible: Yes
Source compatible: Yes
Semantic compatible: Yes. Check the bug fixes section for semantic bug fixes

Commons IO 2.2 requires a minimum of JDK 1.5. 
Commons IO 1.4 requires a minimum of JDK 1.3. 

Commons IO Package Version 2.1

New features:
o Use standard Maven directory layout  Issue: IO-285. Thanks to ggregory. 
o Add IOUtils API toString for URL and URI to get contents  Issue: IO-284. Thanks to ggregory. 
o Add API FileUtils.copyFile(File input, OutputStream output)  Issue: IO-282. Thanks to ggregory. 
o FileAlterationObserver has no getter for FileFilter  Issue: IO-262. 
o Add FileUtils.getFile API with varargs parameter  Issue: IO-261. 
o Add new APPEND parameter for writing string into files  Issue: IO-182. 
o Add new read method "toByteArray" to handle InputStream with known size.  Issue: IO-251. Thanks to Marco Albini. 

Fixed Bugs:
o Dubious use of mkdirs() return code  Issue: IO-280. Thanks to sebb. 
o ReaderInputStream enters infinite loop when it encounters an unmappable character  Issue: IO-277. 
o FileUtils.moveFile() JavaDoc should specify FileExistsException thrown  Issue: IO-264. 
o ClassLoaderObjectInputStream does not handle Proxy classes  Issue: IO-260. 
o Tailer returning partial lines when reaching EOF before EOL  Issue: IO-274. Thanks to Frank Grimes. 
o FileUtils.copyFile() throws IOException when copying large files to a shared directory (on Windows)  Issue: IO-266. Thanks to Igor Smereka. 
o FileSystemUtils.freeSpaceKb throws exception for Windows volumes with no visible files.
        Improve coverage by also looking for hidden files.  Issue: IO-263. Thanks to Gil Adam. 

o FileAlterationMonitor.stop(boolean allowIntervalToFinish)  Issue: IO-259. 

Commons IO Package Version 2.0.1

Compatibility with 2.0 and 1.4
Binary compatible - Yes

Source compatible - Yes

Semantic compatible - Yes
  Check the bug fixes section for semantic bug fixes

Commons IO 2.0.1 requires a minimum of JDK 1.5
 (Commons IO 1.4 had a minimum of JDK 1.3) 

Enhancements from 2.0

   * [IO-256] - Provide thread factory for FileAlternationMonitor

Bug fixes from 2.0

   * [IO-257] -[]) can return 0 which it should not
   * [IO-258] - XmlStreamReader consumes the stream during encoding detection

Commons IO Package Version 2.0

Compatibility with 1.4
Binary compatible - Yes

Source compatible - Yes

Semantic compatible - Yes
  Check the bug fixes section for semantic bug fixes

Commons IO 2.0 requires a minimum of JDK 1.5
 (Commons IO 1.4 had a minimum of JDK 1.3) 

Deprecations from 1.4

- IOUtils
  - write(StringBuffer, Writer) in favour of write(CharSequence, Writer)
  - write(StringBuffer, OutputStream)  in favour of write(CharSequence, OutputStream)
  - write(StringBuffer, OutputStream, String) in favour of write(CharSequence, OutputStream, String)

- FileFilterUtils
  - andFileFilter(IOFileFilter, IOFileFilter) in favour of and(IOFileFilter...) 
  - orFileFilter(IOFileFilter, IOFileFilter)  in favour of or(IOFileFilter...)

Enhancements from 1.4

  * [IO-140] Move minimum Java requirement from JDK 1.3 to JDK 1.5
             - use Generics
             - add new CharSequence write() flavour methods to IOUtils and FileUtils
             - replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder, where appropriate
             - add new Reader/Writer methods to ProxyReader and ProxyWriter
             - Annotate with @Override and @Deprecated

  * [IO-178] New BOMInputStream and ByteOrderMark implementations - to detect and optionally exclude an initial Byte Order mark (BOM)
  * [IO-197] New BoundedInputStream (copied from from Apache JackRabbit)
  * [IO-193] New Broken Input and Output streams
  * [IO-132] New File Listener/Monitor facility
  * [IO-158] New ReaderInputStream and WriterOutputStream implementations
  * [IO-139] New StringBuilder Writer implementation
  * [IO-192] New Tagged Input and Output streams
  * [IO-177] New Tailer class - simple implementation of the Unix "tail -f" functionality
  * [IO-162] New XML Stream Reader/Writer implementations (from ROME via plexus-utils)

  * [IO-142] Comparators - add facility to sort file lists/arrays
  * [IO-186] Comparators - new Composite and Directory File Comparator implementations
  * [IO-176] DirectoryWalker - add filterDirectoryContents() callback method for filtering directory contents
  * [IO-210] FileFilter - new Magic Number FileFilter
  * [IO-221] FileFilterUtils - add methods for suffix and prefix filters which take an IOCase object
  * [IO-232] FileFilterUtils - add method for name filters which take an IOCase object
  * [IO-229] FileFilterUtils - add varargs and() and or() methods
  * [IO-198] FileFilterUtils - add ability to apply file filters to collections and arrays
  * [IO-156] FilenameUtils - add normalize() and normalizeNoEndSeparator() methods which allow the separator character to be specified
  * [IO-194] FileSystemUtils - add freeSpaceKb() method with no input arguments
  * [IO-185] FileSystemUtils - add freeSpaceKb() methods that take a timeout parameter - fixes freeSpaceWindows() blocks
  * [IO-155] FileUtils - use NIO to copy files
  * [IO-168] FileUtils - add new isSymlink() method
  * [IO-219] FileUtils - throw FileExistsException when moving a file or directory if the destination already exists
  * [IO-234] FileUtils - add Methods for retrieving System User/Temp directories/paths
  * [IO-208] FileUtils - add timeout (connection and read) support for copyURLToFile() method 
  * [IO-238] FileUtils - add sizeOf(File) method
  * [IO-181] LineIterator now implements Iterable
  * [IO-224] IOUtils - add closeQuietly(Closeable) and closeQuietly(Socket) methods
  * [IO-203] IOUtils - add skipFully() method for InputStreams
  * [IO-137] IOUtils and ByteArrayOutputStream - add toBufferedInputStream() method to avoid unnecessary array allocation/copy
  * [IO-195] Proxy streams/Reader/Writer - provide exception handling methods
  * [IO-211] Proxy Input/Output streams - add pre/post processing support
  * [IO-242] Proxy Reader/Writer - add pre/post processing support

Bug fixes from 1.4
  * [IO-214] ByteArrayOutputStream - fix inconsistent synchronization of fields
  * [IO-201] Counting Input/Output streams - fix inconsistent synchronization
  * [IO-159] FileCleaningTracker - fix remove() never returns null
  * [IO-220] FileCleaningTracker - fix Vector performs badly under load
  * [IO-167] FilenameUtils - fix case-insensitive string handling in FilenameUtils and FilesystemUtils
  * [IO-179] FilenameUtils - fix StringIndexOutOfBounds exception in getPathNoEndSeparator()
  * [IO-248] FilenameUtils - fix getFullPathNoEndSeparator() returns empty while path is a one level directory
  * [IO-246] FilenameUtils - fix wildcardMatch gives incorrect results 
  * [IO-187] FileSystemUtils - fix freeSpaceKb() doesn't work with relative paths on Linux
  * [IO-160] FileSystemUtils - fix freeSpace() fails on solaris
  * [IO-209] FileSystemUtils - fix freeSpaceKb() fails to return correct size for a windows mount point
  * [IO-163] FileUtils - fix toURLs() using deprecated method of conversion to URL
  * [IO-168] FileUtils - fix Symbolic links followed when deleting directory
  * [IO-231] FileUtils - fix wrong exception message generated in isFileNewer() method
  * [IO-207] FileUtils - fix race condition in forceMkdir() method
  * [IO-217] FileUtils - fix copyDirectoryToDirectory() makes infinite loops
  * [IO-166] FileUtils - fix URL decoding in toFile(URL)
  * [IO-190] FileUtils - fix copyDirectory not preserving lastmodified date on sub-directories
  * [IO-240] FileFilterUtils - ensure cvsFilter and svnFilter are only created once.
  * [IO-175] IOUtils - fix copyFile() issues with very large files
  * [IO-191] Improvements from static analysis
  * [IO-216] LockableFileWriter - delete files quietly when an exception is thrown during initialization
  * [IO-243] SwappedDataInputStream - fix readBoolean is inverted
  * [IO-235] Tests - remove unused YellOnFlushAndCloseOutputStream from CopyUtilsTest
  * [IO-161] Tests - fix FileCleaningTrackerTestCase hanging

Documentation changes from 1.4
  * [IO-183 FilenameUtils.getExtension() method documentation improvements
  * [IO-226 FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize() documentation corrections
  * [IO-205 FileUtils.forceMkdir() documentation improvements
  * [IO-215 FileUtils copy file/directory improve documentation regarding preserving the last modified date
  * [IO-189 HexDump.dump() method documentation improvements
  * [IO-171 IOCase document that it assumes there are only two OSes: Windows and Unix
  * [IO-223 IOUtils.copy() documentation corrections
  * [IO-247 IOUtils.closeQuietly() improve documentation with examples
  * [IO-202 NotFileFilter documentation corrections
  * [IO-206 ProxyInputStream - fix misleading parameter names
  * [IO-212 ProxyInputStream.skip() documentation corrections

Commons IO Package Version 1.4

Compatibility with 1.3.2
Binary compatible - Yes

Source compatible - Yes

Semantic compatible - Yes
  Check the bug fixes section for semantic bug fixes

Commons IO 1.4 introduces four new implementations which depend on JDK 1.4 features
(CharSequenceReader, FileWriterWithEncoding, IOExceptionWithCause and RegexFileFilter).
It has been built with the JDK source and target options set to JDK 1.3 and, except for
those implementations, can be used with JDK 1.3 (see IO IO-127).

Deprecations from 1.3.2
- FileCleaner deprecated in favour of FileCleaningTracker [see IO-116]

Bug fixes from 1.3.2
- FileUtils
  - forceDelete of orphaned Softlinks does not work [IO-147]
  - Infinite loop on FileUtils.copyDirectory when the destination directory is within
    the source directory [IO-141]
  - Add a copyDirectory() method that makes use of FileFilter [IO-105]
  - Add moveDirectory() and moveFile() methods [IO-77]

- HexDump
  - HexDump's use of static StringBuffers isn't thread-safe [IO-136]

Enhancements from 1.3.2
- FileUtils
  - Add a deleteQuietly method [IO-135]

- FilenameUtils
  - Add file name extension separator constants[IO-149]

- IOExceptionWithCause [IO-148]
  - Add a new IOException implementation with constructors which take a cause

- TeeInputStream [IO-129]
  - Add new Tee input stream implementation

- FileWriterWithEncoding [IO-153]
  - Add new File Writer implementation that accepts an encoding

- CharSequenceReader [IO-138]
  - Add new Reader implementation that handles any CharSequence (String,
    StringBuffer, StringBuilder or CharBuffer) 

- ThesholdingOuputStream [IO-121]
  - Add a reset() method which sets the count of the bytes written back to zero.

- DeferredFileOutputStream [IO-130]
  - Add support for temporary files

- ByteArrayOutputStream
  - Add a new write(InputStream) method [IO-152]

- New Closed Input/Output stream implementations [IO-122]
  - AutoCloseInputStream - automatically closes and discards the underlying input stream
  - ClosedInputStream - returns -1 for any read attempts
  - ClosedOutputStream - throws an IOException for any write attempts
  - CloseShieldInputStream - prevents the underlying input stream from being closed.
  - CloseShieldOutputStream - prevents the underlying output stream from being closed.

- Add Singleton Constants to several stream classes [IO-143]

- PrefixFileFilter [IO-126]
  - Add faciltiy to specify case sensitivity on prefix matching

- SuffixFileFilter [IO-126]
  - Add faciltiy to specify case sensitivity on suffix matching

- RegexFileFilter [IO-74]
  - Add new regular expression file filter implementation

- Make IOFileFilter implementations Serializable [IO-131]

- Improve IOFileFilter toString() methods [IO-120]

- Make fields final so classes are immutable/threadsafe [IO-133]
  - changes to Age, Delegate, Name, Not, Prefix, Regex, Size, Suffix and Wildcard IOFileFilter

- IOCase
  - Add a compare method to IOCase [IO-144]

- Add a package of java.util.Comparator implementations for files [IO-145]
  - DefaultFileComparator - compare files using the default File.compareTo(File) method.
  - ExtensionFileComparator - compares files using file name extensions.
  - LastModifiedFileComparator - compares files using the last modified date/time.
  - NameFileComparator - compares files using file names.
  - PathFileComparator - compares files using file paths.
  - SizeFileComparator - compares files using file sizes.
Commons IO Package Version 1.3.2

Compatibility with 1.3.1
Binary compatible - Yes

Source compatible - Yes

Semantic compatible - Yes

Compatibility with 1.3
Binary compatible - No
  See [IO-113]

Source compatible - No
  See [IO-113]

Semantic compatible - Yes

Enhancements since 1.3.1

- Created the FileCleaningTracker, basically a non-static version of the
  FileCleaner, which can be controlled by the user. [IO-116]
- The FileCleaner is deprecated.

Bug fixes from 1.3.1

- Some tests, which are implicitly assuming a Unix-like file system, are
  now skipped on Windows. [IO-115]
- EndianUtils
  - Both readSwappedUnsignedInteger(...) methods could return negative 
    numbers due to int/long casting. [IO-117]

Bug fixes from 1.3

- FileUtils
  - NPE in openOutputStream(File) when file has no parent in path [IO-112]
  - readFileToString(File) is not static [IO-113]

Commons IO Package Version 1.3.1

Compatibility with 1.3
Binary compatible - No
  See [IO-113]

Source compatible - No
  See [IO-113]

Semantic compatible - Yes

Bug fixes from 1.3

- FileUtils
  - NPE in openOutputStream(File) when file has no parent in path [IO-112]
  - readFileToString(File) is not static [IO-113]
Commons IO Package Version 1.3

Compatibility with 1.2
Binary compatible - Yes

Source compatible - Yes

Semantic compatible - Yes
  Check the bug fixes section for semantic bug fixes

Deprecations from 1.2
- WildcardFilter deprecated, replaced by WildcardFileFilter
  - old class only accepted files, thus had a confusing dual purpose

- FileSystemUtils.freeSpace deprecated, replaced by freeSpaceKb
  - freeSpace returns a result that varies by operating system and
    thus isn't that useful
  - freeSpaceKb returns much better and more consistent results
  - freeSpaceKb existed in v1.2, so this is a gentle cutover

Bug fixes from 1.2
- LineIterator now implements Iterator
  - It was always supposed to...

- FileSystemUtils.freeSpace/freeSpaceKb [IO-83]
  - These should now work on AIX and HP-UX

- FileSystemUtils.freeSpace/freeSpaceKb [IO-90]
  - Avoid infinite looping in Windows
  - Catch more errors with nice messages

- FileSystemUtils.freeSpace [IO-91]
  - This is now documented not to work on SunOS 5

- FileSystemUtils [IO-93]
  - Fixed resource leak leading to 'Too many open files' error
  - Previously did not destroy Process instances (as JDK Javadoc is so poor)

- FileUtils.touch [IO-100]
  - The touch method previously gave no indication when the file could not
    be touched successfully (such as due to access restrictions) - it now
    throws an IOException if the last modified date cannot be changed

- FileCleaner
  - This now handles the situation where an error occurs when deleting the file

- IOUtils.copy [IO-84]
  - Copy methods could return inaccurate byte/char count for large streams
  - The copy(InputStream, OutputStream) method now returns -1 if the count is greater than an int
  - The copy(Reader, Writer) method now throws now returns -1 if the count is greater than an int
  - Added a new copyLarge(InputStream, OutputStream) method that returns a long
  - Added a new copyLarge(Reader, Writer) method that returns a long

- CountingInputStream/CountingOutputStream [IO-84]
  - Methods were declared as int thus the count was innacurate for large streams
  - new long based methods getByteCount()/resetByteCount() added
  - existing methods changed to throw an exception if the count is greater than an int

- FileBasedTestCase
  - Fixed bug in compare content methods identified by GNU classpath

- EndianUtils.writeSwappedLong(byte[], int) [IO-101]
  - An int overrun in the bit shifting when it should have been a long

- EndianUtils.writeSwappedLong(InputStream) [IO-102]
  - The return of[]) was not being checked to ensure all 8 bytes were read

Enhancements from 1.2
- DirectoryWalker [IO-86]
  - New class designed for subclassing to walk through a set of files.
    DirectoryWalker provides the walk of the directories, filtering of
    directories and files, and cancellation support. The subclass must provide
    the specific behaviour, such as text searching or image processing.

- IOCase
  - New class/enumeration for case-sensitivity control

- FilenameUtils
  - New methods to handle case-sensitivity
  - wildcardMatch - new method that has IOCase as a parameter
  - equals - new method that has IOCase as a parameter

- FileUtils [IO-108] - new default encoding methods for:
  - readFileToString(File)
  - readLines(File)
  - lineIterator(File)
  - writeStringToFile(File, String)
  - writeLines(File, Collection)
  - writeLines(File, Collection, String)

- FileUtils.openOutputStream  [IO-107]
  - new method to open a FileOutputStream, creating parent directories if required
- FileUtils.touch
- FileUtils.copyURLToFile
- FileUtils.writeStringToFile
- FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile
- FileUtils.writeLines
  - enhanced to create parent directories if required
- FileUtils.openInputStream  [IO-107]
  - new method to open a FileInputStream, providing better error messages than the JDK

- FileUtils.isFileOlder
  - new methods to check if a file is older (i.e. isFileOlder()) - counterparts
    to the existing isFileNewer() methods.

- FileUtils.checksum, FileUtils.checksumCRC32
  - new methods to create a checksum of a file

- FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory  [IO-104]
  - new variant that optionally retains the file date

- FileDeleteStrategy
- FileCleaner    [IO-56,IO-70]
  - FileDeleteStrategy is a strategy for handling file deletion
  - This can be used as a calback in FileCleaner
  - Together these allow FileCleaner to do a forceDelete to kill directories

- FileCleaner.exitWhenFinished [IO-99]
  - A new method that allows the internal cleaner thread to be cleanly terminated

- WildcardFileFilter
  - Replacement for WildcardFilter
  - Accepts both files and directories
  - Ability to control case-sensitivity

- NameFileFilter
  - Ability to control case-sensitivity

- FileFileFilter
  - New IOFileFilter implementation
  - Accepts files where File.isFile() is true
  - In other words it filters out directories
  - Singleton instance provided (FILE)

- CanReadFileFilter
  - New IOFileFilter implementation
  - Accepts files where File.canRead() is true
  - Singleton instances provided (CAN_READ/CANNOT_READ/READ_ONLY)

- CanWriteFileFilter
  - New IOFileFilter implementation
  - Accepts files where File.canWrite() is true
  - Singleton instances provided (CAN_WRITE/CANNOT_WRITE)

- HiddenFileFilter
  - New IOFileFilter implementation
  - Accepts files where File.isHidden() is true
  - Singleton instances provided (HIDDEN/VISIBLE)

- EmptyFileFilter
  - New IOFileFilter implementation
  - Accepts files or directories that are empty
  - Singleton instances provided (EMPTY/NOT_EMPTY)

- TrueFileFilter/FalseFileFilter/DirectoryFileFilter
  - New singleton instance constants (TRUE/FALSE/DIRECTORY)
  - The new constants are more JDK 1.5 friendly with regards to static imports
    (whereas if everything uses INSTANCE, then they just clash)
  - The old INSTANCE constants are still present and have not been deprecated

- FileFilterUtils.sizeRangeFileFilter
  - new sizeRangeFileFilter(long minimumSize, long maximumSize) method which 
    creates a filter that accepts files within the specified size range.

- FileFilterUtils.makeDirectoryOnly/makeFileOnly
  - two new methods that decorate a file filter to make it apply to
    directories only or files only

- NullWriter
  - New writer that acts as a sink for all data, as per /dev/null

- NullInputStream
  - New input stream that emulates a stream of a specified size

- NullReader
  - New reader that emulates a reader of a specified size

- ByteArrayOutputStream  [IO-97]
  - Performance enhancements

Commons IO Package Version 1.2

Compatibility with 1.1
Binary compatible - Yes

Source compatible - Yes

Semantic compatible - Yes

Deprecations from 1.1

Bug fixes from 1.1
- FileSystemUtils.freeSpace(drive)
  Fix to allow Windows based command to function in French locale

  Increase certainty that files are closed in case of error

- LockableFileWriter
  Locking mechanism was broken and only provided limited protection [38942]
  File deletion and locking in case of constructor error was broken

Enhancements from 1.1
- AgeFileFilter/SizeFileFilter
  New file filters that compares against the age and size of the file

- FileSystemUtils.freeSpaceKb(drive)
  New method that unifies result to be in kilobytes [38574]

- FileUtils.contentEquals(File,File)
  Performance improved by adding length and file location checking

- FileUtils.iterateFiles
  Two new method to provide direct access to iterators over files

- FileUtils.lineIterator
  New methods to provide an iterator over the lines in a file [38083]

- FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory
  New method to copy a directory to within another directory [36315]
Commons IO Package Version 1.1

Incompatible changes from 1.0
Binary compatible - Yes

Source compatible - Yes

Semantic compatible - Yes, except:
- FileUtils.writeStringToFile()
    A null encoding previously used 'ISO-8859-1', now it uses the platform default
    Generally this will make no difference

- LockableFileWriter
    Improved validation and now create directories if necesssary

plus these bug fixes may affect you semantically:
- FileUtils.touch()  (Bug fix 29821)
    Now creates the file if it did not previously exist

- FileUtils.toFile(URL) (Bug fix 32575)
    Now handles escape syntax such as %20

- FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory()  (Bug fix 36801)
    May now return a size of 0 if the directory is security restricted

Deprecations from 1.0
- CopyUtils has been deprecated.
    Its methods have been moved to IOUtils.
    The new IOUtils methods handle nulls better, and have clearer names.

- IOUtils.toByteArray(String) - Use {@link String#getBytes()}
- IOUtils.toString(byte[]) - Use {@link String#String(byte[])}
- IOUtils.toString(byte[],String) - Use {@link String#String(byte[],String)}

Bug fixes from 1.0
- FileUtils - touch()  [29821]
    Now creates the file if it did not previously exist

- FileUtils - toFile(URL)  [32575]
    Now handles escape syntax such as %20

- FileFilterUtils - makeCVSAware(IOFileFilter)  [33023]
    Fixed bug that caused method to be completely broken

- CountingInputStream  [33336]
    Fixed bug that caused the count to reduce by one at the end of the stream

- CountingInputStream - skip(long)  [34311]
    Bytes from calls to this method were not previously counted

- NullOutputStream  [33481]
    Remove unecessary synchronization

- AbstractFileFilter - accept(File, String)  [30992]
    Fixed broken implementation

- FileUtils  [36801]
    Previously threw NPE when listing files in a security restricted directory
    Now throw IOException with a better message

- FileUtils - writeStringToFile()
    Null encoding now correctly uses the platform default

Enhancements from 1.0
- FilenameUtils - new class  [33303,29351]
    A static utility class for working with filenames
    Seeks to ease the pain of developing on Windows and deploying on Unix

- FileSystemUtils - new class  [32982,36325]
    A static utility class for working with file systems
    Provides one method at present, to get the free space on the filing system

- IOUtils - new public constants
    Constants for directory and line separators on Windows and Unix

- IOUtils - toByteArray(Reader,encoding)
    Handles encodings when reading to a byte array

- IOUtils - toCharArray(InputStream)  [28979]
          - toCharArray(InputStream,encoding)
          - toCharArray(Reader)
    Reads a stream/reader into a charatcter array

- IOUtils - readLines(InputStream)  [36214]
          - readLines(InputStream,encoding)
          - readLines(Reader)
    Reads a stream/reader line by line into a List of Strings

- IOUtils - toInputStream(String)  [32958]
          - toInputStream(String,encoding)
    Creates an input stream that uses the string as a source of data

- IOUtils - writeLines(Collection,lineEnding,OutputStream)  [36214]
          - writeLines(Collection,lineEnding,OutputStream,encoding)
          - writeLines(Collection,lineEnding,Writer)
    Writes a collection to a stream/writer line by line

- IOUtils - write(...)
    Write data to a stream/writer (moved from CopyUtils with better null handling)

- IOUtils - copy(...)
    Copy data between streams (moved from CopyUtils with better null handling)

- IOUtils - contentEquals(Reader,Reader)
    Method to compare the contents of two readers

- FileUtils - toFiles(URL[])
    Converts an array of URLs to an array of Files

- FileUtils - copyDirectory()  [32944]
    New methods to copy a directory

- FileUtils - readFileToByteArray(File)
    Reads an entire file into a byte array

- FileUtils - writeByteArrayToFile(File,byte[])
    Writes a byte array to a file

- FileUtils - readLines(File,encoding)  [36214]
    Reads a file line by line into a List of Strings

- FileUtils - writeLines(File,encoding,List)
    Writes a collection to a file line by line

    Constant for an empty array of File objects

- ConditionalFileFilter - new interface  [30705]
    Defines the behaviour of list based filters

- AndFileFilter, OrFileFilter  [30705]
    Now support a list of filters to and/or

- WildcardFilter  [31115]
    New filter that can match using wildcard file names

- FileFilterUtils - makeSVNAware(IOFileFilter)
    New method, like makeCVSAware, that ignores Subversion source control directories

- ClassLoaderObjectInputStream
    An ObjectInputStream that supports a ClassLoader

- CountingInputStream,CountingOutputStream - resetCount()  [28976]
    Adds the ability to reset the count part way through reading/writing the stream

- DeferredFileOutputStream - writeTo(OutputStream)  [34173]
    New method to allow current contents to be written to a stream

- DeferredFileOutputStream  [34142]
    Performance optimizations avoiding double buffering

- LockableFileWriter - encoding support [36825]
    Add support for character encodings to LockableFileWriter
    Improve the validation
    Create directories if necesssary

- IOUtils and EndianUtils are no longer final  [28978]
    Allows developers to have subclasses if desired   


Open source works best when you give feedback:

Please direct all bug reports to JIRA

Or subscribe to the commons-user mailing list (prefix emails by [io])

The Commons-IO Team

johannilsson / android-actionbar  -  android-actionbar-library.jar  -

Copyright (c) 2010 Johan Nilsson
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0


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