Knights travails made with Ruby.
Assignment for the Ruby course of The Odin Project.
Specifications and details for the assignment can be found here.
Try here Knigths travails.
This program finds the shortest path the knight can take to go from square A to square B.
The whole path is displayed with the number of required moves.
You can modify the bottom of the file "main.rb", with the command "board.knight_moves([3, 3], [0, 0])" [3, 3] corresponds to coordinates on the board, the coordinates start from 0 up to 7 for rows and columns, that is 64 squares in total like a class chess board.
Once you're in the replit you can just type "ruby main.rb" in the command line, or click on the green button Run.
The only complex thing for me was explaining to the computer how to calculate the movement of the knight and to keep information about the path, getting the shortest path was easy.
I used a matrix and each of the 8 knight movements were in an array of numbers (near the bottom of the main.rb file), we have to move the knight on colums and rows at the same time.