This is simple esoteric language, something between python and c++.
First parts is a translator from my language to my assembler.
Second part is a compile from my assembly language to my binary code. Then you can run this binary code on a simple stack processor. Stack processor is working on a C language. It's model of real cpu.
After it you can convert my binary code to x86-64 binary elf file and run it on real cpu.
To compile code:
make INPUT=your_file ELF_FILE=result.elf
If you want compile some code on assembler, then run
make asm INPUT=asm_file
Time was measured on this program:
func fibrec(y)
if (y <= 2)
return 1;
return (fibrec(y - 1) + fibrec(y - 2));
i = 1;
while (i < 1000)
tmp = fibrec(20);
i = i + 1;
CPU time on a stack processor
CPU time on a real assembly
Ratio: 96/1