An elegant and lightweight alert for iOS, customizable and very easy to use.
iOS 12.0
Xcode 12.0
Swift 5.0
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate Hermes into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod 'HermesAlert'
Show an alert on Hermes is very easy and required just 1 line of code. In your view controller just type:
Hermes(message: "Hi everybody!!").show()
and a cool alert will showed to you on your screen. Easy, right?
You can easily change the appearance of your alert by changing the parameter
alert: HermesAlertType
You can choose between different types and each of these will transform the appearance of the alert depending on the type selected.
For example, to show the default 2 buttons alert, you can simply set the .twoButtons alert type as is:
Hermes(title: "2 Buttons", message: "Here you can choose OK or Cancel", alert: .twoButtons).show()
There are the alert type available:
- simple: this is the default alert. You don't need to set this type
- twoButtons: the alert with two customizable buttons
- instagram: the instagram style alert
- checkbox: an alert with a selectable checkbox
- textfield: an alert with a fillable textfield
Customize your alert appearance specifing any single aspect of the alert also after it's initialization.
// Customize alert title
alert.title("This is my title")
or, customize confirm button title
// Customize alert confirm button title
or it's color
// Customize alert confirm button color
When user tap on alert button, by default it will be dismissed. If you need to do specific operation after that, you should implement HermesAlertDelegate that provide 2 methods responding to buttons of alerts. You will also have parameters that specify data inserted in alert (if you use Textbox alert for example).
If you don't need to manage alert response, you don't need to implement it's delegate.
You can catch the confirm button action in confirmButtonDidTapped method, and you can check the options to know about user preference (like checkbox checked or not).
func confirmButtonDidTapped(sender: UIViewController, with options: [HermesParam:Any]?) {
if let options = options {
if let checkbox = options[.checked] {
print("User selected checkbox alert? \(checkbox)")
Also for cancel button, you have a delegat method, cancelButtonDidTapped fired when user select the cancel button.
func cancelButtonDidTapped(sender: UIViewController, with options: [HermesParam:Any]?)
If you are using alert without cancel button, cancelButtonDidTapped will never be fired.
In case you have customized the title of the button, the confirmation and cancellation of the delegate will be activated anyway.
Why Hermes?? No i'm not a fashion addicted (as someone could think about) but Hermes, in ancient Greek religion and mythology is considered the herald of the gods. In myth, Hermes functioned as the emissary and messenger of the gods and here, Hermes would be the messenger of your app.
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Icons made by Freepik from
Icons made by Kiranshastry from
Icons made by Smashicons from