Kubernetes openapi unmangler.
Generates rust structs from customresourcedefinitions
in your kubernetes cluster follwing the spec/status model, by using their embedded openapi schema.
- stable
with schema - crd following standard spec/status model
- Instantly queryable: generated type uses
to provide api integration withkube
- Ergonomic Rust types:
wrapping - Rust doc comments: optionally extracted from
values in schema (--docs
Grab a prebuilt musl/darwin binary from the latest release, or install from crates.io:
cargo install kopium
kopium prometheusrules.monitoring.coreos.com --docs > prometheusrule.rs
use kube::CustomResource;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
/// Specification of desired alerting rule definitions for Prometheus.
#[derive(CustomResource, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
#[kube(group = "monitoring.coreos.com", version = "v1", kind = "PrometheusRule", plural = "prometheusrules")]
#[kube(schema = "disabled")]
pub struct PrometheusRuleSpec {
/// Content of Prometheus rule file
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
pub groups: Vec<PrometheusRuleGroups>,
/// RuleGroup is a list of sequentially evaluated recording and alerting rules. Note: PartialResponseStrategy is only used by ThanosRuler and will be ignored by Prometheus instances. Valid values for this field are 'warn' or 'abort'. More info: https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/blob/master/docs/components/rule.md#partial-response
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PrometheusRuleGroups {
pub interval: Option<String>,
pub name: String,
pub partial_response_strategy: Option<String>,
pub rules: Vec<PrometheusRuleGroupsRules>,
/// Rule describes an alerting or recording rule See Prometheus documentation: [alerting](https://www.prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/alerting_rules/) or [recording](https://www.prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/recording_rules/#recording-rules) rule
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PrometheusRuleGroupsRules {
pub alert: Option<String>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "BTreeMap::is_empty")]
pub annotations: BTreeMap<String, String>,
pub expr: String,
pub r#for: Option<String>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "BTreeMap::is_empty")]
pub labels: BTreeMap<String, String>,
pub record: Option<String>,
Simply add the generated file (e.g. output from above in prometheusrule.rs
) to your library, and import (at least) the special root type:
use prometheusrule::PrometheusRule;
use kube::{Api, Client, ResourceExt};
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let client = Client::try_default().await?;
let pr: Api<PrometheusRule> = Api::default_namespaced(client);
for p in pr.list(&Default::default()).await? {
println!("Found PrometheusRule {} in current namespace", p.name());
Autocompletion for most shells available via kopium completions
source <(kopium completions bash)
Generate a CRD, tell the test runner to try to use it.
cargo run --bin kopium -- prometheusrules.monitoring.coreos.com > tests/gen.rs
echo "pub type CR = PrometheusRule;" >> tests/gen.rs
kubectl apply -f tests/pr.yaml # needs to contain a CR with name "gen"
cargo test --test runner -- --nocapture
test shortcuts available via just
in the justfile
Apache 2.0 licensed. See LICENSE for details.