This is a very basic implementation of a gulp task for jasmine-node
npm install gulp-jasmine-node --save-dev
var jasmineNode = require('gulp-jasmine-node');
gulp.task('test', function () {
return gulp.src(['spec/**/*spec.js']).pipe(jasmineNode({
timeout: 10000
timeout - Time in milliseconds to wait for async tests
includeStackTrace - Ability to suppress stack trace
color - Indicates spec output should uses color to indicates passing (green) or failing (red) specs
var jasmineNode = require('gulp-jasmine-node');
gulp.task('test', function () {
return gulp.src(['spec/**/*spec.js']).pipe(jasmineNode({
timeout: 10000,
includeStackTrace: false,
color: false
For more information about writing unit test with jasmine-node see
- Fixed a bug that prevented async tests to be finalized (done callback never called)