A wrapper around Aurelia's http client that handles token authorization. Works out of the box with devise_token_auth and is configurable to work with pretty much any token provider that uses headers.
var client = TokenAuthHttpClient();
client.login('username', 'password').then(
(response) => {
// may be used as a regular aurelia-http-client
(response) => {
var c = client.tokenAuthConfiguration;
c.loginUrl = '/auth/sign_in';
c.logoutUrl = '/auth/sign_out'; // urls used by the login and logout helpers
c.identifierField = 'email'; // 'user identifier' field used by login
c.passwordField = 'password';
c.bearerTokenHeaders = ['Access-Token', 'Client', 'Expiry', 'Token-Type', 'Uid']; // The headers
// making up the bearer token. These will be retrieved from responses and appended to requests.
c.renewBearerToken = false; // Renews bearer token with every response if set to true.
c.disabled = false; // Disables retrieving and appending bearer tokens
- A bearer token will not be saved unless all headers are present in the response.
- To use the helper methods login and logout, the client has to be configured with a base url.
- Add support for aurelia events.
- Use same configuration as aurelia-http-client