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#OpenStack Nova README

OpenStack Nova provides a cloud computing fabric controller, supporting a wide variety of virtualization technologies, including KVM, Xen, LXC, VMware, and more. In addition to its native API, it includes compatibility with the commonly encountered Amazon EC2 and S3 APIs.

OpenStack Nova is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. The full terms and conditions of this license are detailed in the LICENSE file.

Nova primarily consists of a set of Python daemons, though it requires and integrates with a number of native system components for databases, messaging and virtualization capabilities.

To keep updated with new developments in the OpenStack project follow @openstack on Twitter.

To learn how to deploy OpenStack Nova, consult the documentation available online.

For information about the different compute (hypervisor) drivers supported by Nova, read this page on the wiki

In the unfortunate event that bugs are discovered, they should be reported to the appropriate bug tracker. If you obtained the software from a 3rd party operating system vendor, it is often wise to use their own bug tracker for reporting problems. In all other cases use the master OpenStack bug tracker.

Developers wishing to work on the OpenStack Nova project should always base their work on the latest Nova code, available from the master GIT repository.

Developers should also join the discussion on the mailing list.

Any new code must follow the development guidelines detailed in the HACKING.rst file, and pass all unit tests. Further developer focused documentation is available at

For information on how to contribute to Nova, please see the contents of the CONTRIBUTING.rst file.

-- End of broadcast

#VirtualBox Driver for Nova

More and more people are interested in cloud computing and OpenStack but many of them give it up because they can’t test or interact with this kind of infrastructure. This is mostly a result of either high costs of hardware or the difficulty of the deployment in a particular environment.

In order to help the community to interact more with cloud computing and learn about it, Cloudbase Solutions has come up with a simple VirtualBox driver for OpenStack. VirtualBox allows you to set up a cloud environment on your personal laptop, no matter which operating system you’re using (Windows, Linux, OS X). It also gets the job done with a free and familiar virtualization environment.

##Hypervisor Support Matrix

Feature Status VirtualBox
Attach block volume to instance optional âť—
Detach block volume from instance optional âť—
Evacuate instances from host optional ❌
Guest instance status mandatory âś…
Guest host status optional âś…
Live migrate instance across hosts optional ❌
Launch instance mandatory âś…
Stop instance CPUs optional âś…
Reboot instance optional âś…
Rescue instance optional ❌
Resize instance optional âś…
Restore instance optional âś…
Service control optional ❌
Set instance admin password optional ❌
Save snapshot of instance disk optional âś…
Suspend instance optional âś…
Swap block volumes optional ❌
Shutdown instance mandatory âś…
Resume instance CPUs optional âś…
Auto configure disk optional ❌
Instance disk I/O limits optional ❌
Config drive support choice ❌
Inject files into disk image optional ❌
Inject guest networking config optional ❌
Remote desktop over RDP choice âś…
View serial console logs choice ❌
Remote desktop over SPICE choice ❌
Remote desktop over VNC choice âś…
Block storage support optional âś…
Block storage over fibre channel optional ❌
Block storage over iSCSI condition âś…
CHAP authentication for iSCSI optional âś…
Image storage support mandatory âś…
Network firewall rules optional ❌
Network routing optional ❌
Network security groups optional ❌
Flat networking choice âś…
VLAN networking choice ❌

More information regarding this features can be found on the following pages: Nova Support Matrix and Hypervisor Support Matrix.

##VirtualBox supported features

###Guest instance status Provides a quick report on information about the guest instance, including the power state, memory allocation, CPU allocation, number of vCPUs and cumulative CPU execution time.

~ $ nova instance_name show

Guest instance status

###Guest host status Provides a quick report of available resources on the host machine.

~ $ nova hypervisor-show hypervisor_id

Guest host status

###Launch instance Create a new instance(virtual machine) on the virtualization platform.

Launch instance

###Shutdown instance

~ $ nova stop instance_name

Shutdown instance

###Stop instance CPUs Stopping an instances CPUs can be thought of as roughly equivalent to suspend-to-RAM. The instance is still present in memory, but execution has stopped.

~ $ nova pause instance_name

Stop instance CPUs

###Resume instance CPUs

~ $ nova unpause instance name

Restore instance CPUs

###Suspend instance Suspending an instance can be thought of as roughly equivalent to suspend-to-disk. The instance no longer consumes any RAM or CPUs, with its live running state having been preserved in a file on disk. It can later be restored, at which point it should continue execution where it left off.

~ $ nova suspend instance_name

Suspend instance

###Save snapshot of instance disk The snapshot operation allows the current state of the instance root disk to be saved and uploaded back into the glance image repository. The instance can later be booted again using this saved image.

Save snapshot of instance disk

###Block storage support Block storage provides instances with direct attached virtual disks that can be used for persistent storage of data. As an alternative to direct attached disks, an instance may choose to use network based persistent storage.

Block storage support

###Remote desktop over VNC

Remote desktop over VNC

Note: In order to use this feature the VNC extension pack for VirtualBox must be installed. You can list all the available extension package running the following command:

~ $ VBoxManage list extpacks
Extension Packs: 2
Pack no. 0:   Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
Version:      4.3.20
Revision:     96996
Description:  USB 2.0 Host Controller, Host Webcam, VirtualBox RDP, PXE ROM with E1000 support.
VRDE Module:  VBoxVRDP
Usable:       true 
Why unusable: 

Pack no. 1:   VNC
Version:      4.3.18
Revision:     96516
Description:  VNC plugin module
VRDE Module:  VBoxVNC
Usable:       true 
Why unusable: 

##Setting up the environment


####Create Virtual Machine

  • Processors:
    • Number of processors: 2
    • Number of cores per processor 1
  • Memory: 4GB RAM (Recommended)
  • HDD - SATA - 20 GB Preallocated
  • Network:
    • Network Adapter 1: NAT
    • Network Adapter 2: Host Only
    • Network Adapter 3: Nat
  • Operating system - Ubuntu Server 14.04 (Recommended)

####Update System

~ $ sudo apt-get update
~ $ sudo apt-get upgrade

####Install openssh-server, git, vim, openvswitch-switch

~ $ sudo apt-get install -y git vim openssh-server openvswitch-switch

####Edit network Interfaces

~ $ sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces

IMPORTANT: This is a template. Please use your own settings.

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

# The management interface
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet manual
up ip link set eth1 up
up ip link set eth1 promisc on
down ip link set eth1 promisc off
down ip link set eth1 down

# The public interface
auto eth2
iface eth2 inet manual
up ip link set eth2 up
down ip link set eth2 down

IMPORTANT: After you edit /etc/network/interfaces the network service should be restarted.

~ $ sudo service network restart

Add OVS Bridges

~ $ sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-eth1
~ $ sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-eth1 eth1

~ $ sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-ex
~ $ sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex eth2

####Clone devstack

~ $ cd
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd devstack

####Change local.conf

~ $ sudo vim ~/devstack/local.conf

IMPORTANT: The following config file is a template. Please use your own settings.


#Services to be started
enable_service rabbit
enable_service mysql

enable_service key

enable_service n-api
enable_service n-crt
enable_service n-obj
enable_service n-cond
enable_service n-sch
enable_service n-cauth
enable_service n-novnc
disable_service n-net

enable_service neutron
enable_service q-svc
enable_service q-agt
enable_service q-dhcp
enable_service q-l3
enable_service q-meta
enable_service q-lbaas
enable_service q-fwaas
enable_service q-metering
enable_service q-vpn

enable_service horizon

enable_service g-api
enable_service g-reg

enable_service cinder
enable_service c-api
enable_service c-vol
enable_service c-sch
enable_service c-bak

disable_service s-proxy
disable_service s-object
disable_service s-container
disable_service s-account

disable_service heat
disable_service h-api
disable_service h-api-cfn
disable_service h-api-cw
disable_service h-eng

disable_service ceilometer-acentral
disable_service ceilometer-collector
disable_service ceilometer-api

disable_service tempest

# To add a local compute node, enable the following services
disable_service n-cpu
disable_service ceilometer-acompute













min_pool_size = 5
max_pool_size = 50
max_overflow = 50

More information regarding local.conf can be found on Devstack configuration.

Edit ~/.bashrc

~ $ vim ~/.bashrc

Add this lines at the end of file.

export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=Passw0rd
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_AUTH_URL=


~ $ cd ~/devstack
~ $ ./

IMPORTANT: If the scripts doesn't end properly or something else goes wrong, please unstack first using ./ script.

####Disable Firewall

~ $ sudo ufw disable

####Create a Flat Network (if not exists)

  • Remove the current network setup.

     neutron router-interface-delete router1 $SUBNETID1
     neutron router-gateway-clear router1
     neutron router-delete router1
     neutron net-delete private
     neutron net-delete public
  • Create private network/subnetwork

     neutron net-create private --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network physnet1
     neutron subnet-create private --gateway --dns_nameservers list=true
  • Create public network/subnetwork

     neutron net-create public --router:external=True
     neutron subnet-create public --gateway --enable_dhcp=False --dns_nameservers list=true
  • Create and setup router

     neutron router-create router1
     neutron router-interface-add router1 $SUBNETID1
     neutron router-gateway-set router1 $EXTNETID1

####Change current version of nova and neutron

For the moment the Nova Driver and Neutron Agent for VirtualBox are not included in the current version of OpenStack. In order to use them we must change the version of nova and neutron installed by DevStack.

Change the nova version used:

~ $ cd /opt/stack/nova
~ $ git remote add vbox $NOVA_FORK
~ $ git fetch vbox
~ $ git checkout -t vbox/virtualbox_driver
~ $ sudo python install

Change the neutron version used:

~ $ cd /opt/stack/neutron
~ $ git remote add vbox $NOVA_FORK
~ $ git fetch vbox
~ $ git checkout -t vbox/virtualbox_agent
~ $ sudo python install

Change mechanism drivers:

~ $ cd /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2
~ $ vim ml2_conf.ini

Add vbox in the following line: mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,vbox

####Port forwarding In order to access services from the DevStack virtual machine from the host machine we need to forward the to host.

For each used port we need to run one of the following commands:

# If the virtual machine is in power off state.
VBoxManage --modifyvm DevStack [--natpf<1-N> [<rulename>],tcp|udp,[<hostip>],

# If the virtual machine is running
VBoxManage --controlvm DevStack natpf<1-N> [<rulename>],tcp|udp,[<hostip>],
                                <hostport>,[<guestip>],<guestport> |

For example the required rules for a compute node can be the following:

# Message Broker (AMQP traffic) - 5672
~ $ VBoxManage controlvm DevStack natpf1 "Message Broker (AMQP traffic), tcp,, 5672,, 5672"

# iSCSI target - 3260
~ $ VBoxManage controlvm DevStack natpf1 "iSCSI target, tcp,, 3260,, 3260"

# Block Storage (cinder) - 8776
~ $ VBoxManage controlvm DevStack natpf1 "Block Storage (cinder), tcp,, 8776,, 8776"

# Networking (neutron) - 9696
~ $ VBoxManage controlvm DevStack natpf1 "Networking (neutron), tcp,, 9696,, 9696"

# Identity service (keystone) - 35357 or 5000
~ $ VBoxManage controlvm DevStack natpf1 "Identity service (keystone) administrative endpoint, tcp,, 35357,, 35357"

# Image Service (glance) API - 9292
~ $ VBoxManage controlvm DevStack natpf1 "Image Service (glance) API, tcp,, 9292,, 9292"

# Image Service registry - 9191
~ $ VBoxManage controlvm DevStack natpf1 "Image Service registry, tcp,, 9191,, 9191"

# HTTP - 80
~ $ VBoxManage controlvm DevStack natpf1 "HTTP, tcp,, 80,, 80"

# HTTP alternate
~ $ VBoxManage controlvm DevStack natpf1 "HTTP alternate, tcp,, 8080,, 8080"

# HTTPS - 443
~ $ VBoxManage controlvm DevStack natpf1 "HTTPS, tcp,, 443,, 443"

More information regarding Openstack default ports can be found on Appendix A. Firewalls and default ports.

##Setting up nova-compute

###Clone nova

~ $ cd
~ $ git clone -b virtualbox_driver $NOVA_FORK

###Install nova & requirements

~ $ cd nova
~ $ pip install -r requirements.txt
~ $ python install

###Configuration VirtualBox Nova Driver have the following custom config options:


Config option Default value Short description
remote_display False Enable or disable the VRDE Server.
retry_count 3 The number of times to retry to execute command.
retry_interval 1 Interval between execute attempts, in seconds.
vboxmanage_cmd VBoxManage Path of VBoxManage.
vrde_unique_port False Whether to use an unique port for each instance.
vrde_module Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack The module used by VRDE Server.
vrde_port 3389 A port or a range of ports the VRDE server can bind to.
vrde_require_instance _uuid_as_password False Use the instance uuid as password for the VRDE server.
vrde_password_length None VRDE maximum length for password.
wait_soft_reboot_seconds 60 Number of seconds to wait for instance to shut down after soft reboot request is made.


Config option Default value Short description
encrypted_rdp False Enable or disable the rdp encryption.
security_method RDP The security method used for encryption. (RDP, TLS, Negotiate).
server_certificate None The Server Certificate.
server_private_key None The Server Private Key.
server_ca None The Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate.

IMPORTANT: The following config file is an exemple of nova_compute.conf. Please use your own settings.

vncserver_listen =
vncserver_proxyclient_address =
# [...]


#On Windows
#vboxmanage_cmd=C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe
remote_display = true
vrde_module = VNC
vrde_port = 5900-6000
vrde_unique_port = true


More information regarding compute node configuration can be find on the following pages: List of compute config options and Nova compute

###Start up nova-compute

~ $ nova-compute --config-file nova_compute.conf